Intelligence: The Creative Response to Now

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Osho challenges the idea that the best way to promote intelligence is to train the intellect. Intellect is logical, he says, intelligence is paradoxical. Intellect takes things apart to see how they work; intelligence puts things together to see the functioning of the whole. When our education systems put too much emphasis on developing intellect, an imbalance is created and both the individual and the society suffer. It is only through intelligence that we can respond creatively to the challenges of a changing world. By exploring the distinctions between intellect and intelligence, the book encourages readers to be more aware of how they approach problems - logical, emotional, and practical - and how they resolve them.
Part of the Insights for a New Way of Living series.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
number of discourses/chapters
6 + foreword & aftewords   (see table of contents)


Intelligence: The Creative Response to Now

Insights for a New Way of Living

Year of publication : Jun 2004
Publisher : St. Martin's Press
ISBN 0-312-32072-8 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 192
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :

Intelligence: The Creative Response to Now

Year of publication : 2007
Publisher : St. Martin's Press
ISBN 9781429907729 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : ~ 208
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :

table of contents

edition 2004
chapter titles
source of the compilation
Foreword: Intelligence Is Not What You Think Ah This ~ 02, q.7 (extract)
1 Intelligence -- A Gift of Nature
The Poetry of the Heart
An Openness of Being
2 What Makes People Stupid
Survival of the Fittest
Striving for Efficiency
Repression and Manipulation
The Sin of Disobedience
Just Following Orders
3 Mind -- A Pandora's Box
Stepping Out of the Pyramid
4 From Mind to No-Mind
From Thinking to Understanding
From Reaction to Response
From Belief to Faith
From Sympathy to Compassion
From Communication to Communion
The Master and the Servant
Known, Unknown, Unknowable
5 Outside the Box -- Breaking Free of Conditioning
A Different Kind of Disobedience
The Intelligence of Innocence
The Gift of Being Alive
Discovering the "Off" Switch
Being Simple
A Light unto Yourself
6 Symptoms, Stepping-stones, and Stumbling Blocks: Responses to Questions
Can computers take over the work of human intelligence?
Why does humanity seem so willing to walk the path toward global Suicide?
I cannot cope with many social situations I find myself in. Do I need the help of a psychiatrist?
I feel fed up with myself, feel no connection between my inner world and the outer one. I used to have
many interests but no longer feel in touch with them.
In my work I am always afraid of losing confidence in myself.
I can see that my mind is still childish. What can I do?
I sometimes feel muddle-headed, as if losing my memory.
How can lovers behave more intelligently?
Sometimes I have doubts about my intelligence.
How can I support my own growth of intelligence?
Aftewords: Rediscovering Intelligence Through Meditation unknown