The New Dawn ~ 25

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event type discourse
date & time 30 Jun 1987 pm
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 30min. Quality: good, but a constant noise (under revision).
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 32min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle DAWN25
Reader of the questions: Ma Deva Anando.
Question 1 from Prem Komal
Beloved Osho, the other day, Sarito asked about writing beautiful words about you that she felt she had no right to say, and you encouraged us to express ourselves in the world. Beloved master, I am not a speaker or writer of beautiful words, still, many times I have experienced sharing myself with people in the world, sharing you, sharing your vision. For that moment of sharing, I become what I am expressing. For that moment I radiate your light flowing through me, as if each time I myself am experiencing you newly and fresh. Beloved Osho, can you please talk about the magic of sharing?
Question 2 from Ma Anand Urmila
Beloved Osho, for the last four days I have been taking part in the zazen group. When anger arises, it is so difficult for me to watch this feeling instead of throwing this anger on others. Beloved master, would you please speak about the art of watching?
Question 3 from Deva Vachana
Beloved Osho, lately I have slipped right back into my english skin, and I'm so tired of it: sad, serious, depressed, repressed, apologetic, hesitant, without humor or playfulness, conscientious, and boring. It is really pathetic.
When my energy takes off I am a totally different person, so I know this isn't the real me. But something will trigger, and I am back in the old skin again. Please help me to cast it off.


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