Osho Humaniversity, Egmond aan Zee

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The Humaniversity is an international school of personal development offering ongoing workshops and programs.. The program provides learning situations where students can confront their conditioned attitudes and behavior, explore their feelings, and experiment with authentic and fulfilling ways of being. Important aspects of the learning process (Humaniversity Therapy) are human contact, emotional release, sexuality and meditation. The learning is based on self-experience. The heart of the Humaniversity is the Therapeutic Community, with a unique multi-symptomatic approach. This means that people with different problems, such as addiction to heroin, alcohol or pills, depression, isolation, bulimia, anorexia, are in the same basic program, together with healthy neurotics, spiritual seekers, growth people, and therapy students.

Contact Details

Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4
1931 BW Egmond aan Zee
Phone: +31 (0)72 506-4114
Fax: +31 (0)72 506-1844
see also
Multiversity Amsterdam
Humaniversity YouTube channel
Humaniversity on facebook
Osho Humaniversity on facebook
Osho Humaniversity on facebook
Humaniversity students on facebook
Sw Veeresh
Ma Chandrika