Osho White Robe Brotherhood ~ 129

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event type satsang
date & time 17 Jan 1990, 19:00
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language Silence
audio Not available as such, but there is video with audio
online audio
video Available, duration 18min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text
Osho is not present, joins the meditation from his room.
Video starts with a message from Sw Prem Amrito:
... So tonight he will not be coming out to namaste us all. He said to tell everybody that at seven o clock the music and silence meditation should begin, OK. And that at that time he is waiting and will be meditation with us from the safety of his room. Freed from these assaults on his body, he'll be able to help us to go much deeper into the silence. So the music will be as usual up until seven. And then at seven the music and silence meditation begins, and then goes straight on into the video. He said: it's clear ehh, he said to emphasise again that nobody should leave till the video was finished, and anybody who did would not be allowed in again.
So it's clear that the deeper we go into this meditation with him, the greater a defeat it is for those who wanted to harm him and his work. OK. (music starts)

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