Sufis The People of the Path Vol 2 ~ 10

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event type discourse
date & time 5 Sep 1977 am
location Buddha Hall, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 39min. Quality: good.
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shorttitle SUFIS210
Reader of the questions: n/a; questions are being read by Osho himself.
Question 1 from Walter Hoffman
As a U.S. psychiatrist I am well-trained. Experienced and have been successful by outer standards -- but now, what to do? I no longer feel that I am a doctor or therapist or analyst, only a person, and perhaps a teacher. You and others like you are to blame for this. Now I am only listening to the inner voice for direction. Is there any more I can do?
Question 2 from Big Prem (Ma Yoga Prem)
Do you have some sort of contraption in your room with which you control or alter the moods of everyone in the ashram, putting everyone into the same or similar mood at the same time? It seems that everyone goes through the same cycle or phases, not as individuals but as a community. What's up?
Question 3 from Anand Samatha
Is there a collective unconscious at the ashram? Every other question I have thought to ask has been asked by someone else, or you have answered it anyway.
Question 4 from Sudheer Saraswati
Ayn Rand, the originator of objectivism philosophy, went mad and committed suicide. How could this happen to such a rare, logical mind?
Question 5
I am very afraid of dying. Can you tell me what the secret of achieving a long life is?
Question 6
I have been thinking and thinking about taking sannyas for five years, yet I cannot decide. What should I do?
Question 7
Should one love one's neighbour?
Question 8 from Chaman Bharti
If you do not do miracles, then how is it that miracles are happening to me?
Question 9 from Sw Prabhu Anuragi
Osho, I like my name but I like women too.
Question 10
How to drop judging people?
Question 11
Osho, are all words useless?
Question 12 from Vani
Beloved Osho, I have found the answer. My heart is filled with joy where there was always pain. I feel with great surprise that it is true -- I have a choice. I bow in gratitude. Vani.


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