Some Gujarati Books to Add

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To inspire someone into Osho's Gujarati books. There are lots of them out there! They are arranged alphabetically per the Latin alphabet.

Osho's source book for each title is sometimes fairly obvious, sometimes not. They are translated from English and Hindi and are of all types and categories, with lots of them cheap compilations. Titling is not necessarily definitive, simply following the usage of the sites where they were found, making corrections in the imaged ones where alt-titles seemed better.

Satya Shu Chhe ? - Manyatathi Shraddha Sudhi
Satyadarshanna Sopan
Shoonyani Paar
Sudha Kumbh
Sukh Dukh
Svayamno Parichay
Tao : Ek Marg

to be continued . . .