The Last Testament (Vol 6) ~ 15

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event type interview
date & time 14 Aug 1986 pm
location Sumila, Juhu, Bombay
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 0min. Quality: good, but a constant noise (under revision).
Live music before and after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 2min. Quality: inferior, constant audio-noise (under revision).
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST615
For information on the date and naming of this event, see the CD-ROM's discussion page.
Interview. Questions read by Sw Satya Vedant : Rajneesh Times, India.
Question 1
Bhagwan Shree, on behalf of the Rajneesh Times India, I make a bow to you.
The question. The politicians of the whole world are against you and your people are not at all organized to protect you. And the news media is also in the control of the vested interests. Do you think you can manage to face the tremendous amount of negative pressures from all sides. Is it not simply too much for you?
Question 2
Bhagwan Shree, the human society is passing through the worst crisis of it’s life. It is progressively heading towards death and destruction. Some people think it is a social and political crisis, while others believe it is a crisis of values and culture. What do you say on this matter?
Question 3
Bhagwan Shree, do you want to change the whole world? Are you in some kind of urgency to do so?
Question 4
Bhagwan Shree, in a world, ridden with fear bordering on paranoid, you seem to be the only human being who is free of fear. And it is out of fear, not courage or conviction, that politicians are after your blood. What is the secret of your total freedom from fear?
Question 5
Bhagwan Shree, every great and bold experiments for the growth of man and his consciousness initiated in the past by men like Krishna, Buddha, Lao-Tzu, Jesus, Kabir and Nanak have failed. Mankind continues to grope in the dark. You have launched another experiment of the same kind, which is too much vast in dimension and sweep. Can you say if it is going to succeed?

(source: a transcript)

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