The Last Testament (Vol 4) ~ 12

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event type interview
date & time 22 Nov 1985 pm
location Span Resort, Manali (HP)
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 12min. Quality: very inferior: strong noise, barely and almost not audible (under revision).
online audio
video Not available
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST412
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse will be in the book India: Coming Back Home, which has not been published, as of August 1992.
Interview. No announcement heard : unidentified Indian interviewer, man.
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview by freelance reporter, Venkatram.
(Note that question 1 is missing on the CD-ROM.)
Question 2
Do you and your sannyasins propose to set up a model city in the foothills of the Himalayas?
Question 3
But isn't it true that the kind of people you attract are rather classy people, different from the average human being? I spoke with a lot of them, and got the impression that they're above average, successful professionals.
Question 4
You are indignant about many Indian things, just as so many other educated Indians are, but they don't have the guts to speak like you do. If you had the power to change things in this country, what are the five most important things you would do?
Question 5
Are we not nonviolent already?
Question 6
In the twentieth century world is it possible or advisable for one-fifth of the human race to stay defenceless? We have already had fights with the Chinese and Pakistanis and others.
Question 7
But it will become worse if you don't have an army.
Question 8
How do you do that in a country where sixty percent of the people are uneducated?
Question 9
But how do you do it?
Question 10
But isn't it a bad comparison? Where India is stuck with the downtrodden, you can communicate with the well-educated. They know what you are talking about, whereas here there is ignorance, illiteracy, poverty, hunger. Isn't it more difficult?
Question 11
By then you'd already become notorious in the country?
Question 12
Did you say anything about him or his gods?
Question 13
How are we going to do that? Are you going to take the lead in helping people become aware of their rights?
Question 14
You have said that, since Buddha, India has not produced a single man comparable to him. Why is this? Would you consider yourself comparable to the Buddha?
Question 15
What is your goal in life -- your ultimate ambition?
Question 16
Your disciples appear so devoted to you. What is the secret of this tremendous loyalty? Why do you think these bright people came to you and mostly stay on?
Question 17
You make them aware?
Question 18
What is this religion that was founded in your name by Ma Anand Sheela? Do you disassociate yourself completely from it? And how could she do this without your authority?
Question 19
These years of silence -- why did you do that?
Question 20
Since you have given up reading for the past five years what refreshes the intellectual input into your brain?
Question 21
Do you ever feel, "oh my God, I don't know what is the latest...?"
Question 22
There are reports that the Poona ashram owes the government something like 1.5 crores of rupees in unpaid taxes. Is this true? Are your tax hassles over, or has there been some kind of understanding with the government?
Question 23
If you were to die tomorrow, what would you like the world to remember you most for? What would you like your obituary to be?


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