Kamikaze Tomorrowland

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With Kamikaze Tomorrowland, futurist and prophecy expert John Hogue invents a new literary Genre, combining Fact/History/Prophecy with Fiction creating tales of ScryFy.
Akio Sarazawa, a Kamikaze pilot, dives his bomb laden fighter 90 degrees through a gauntlet of anti-aircraft fire. His target is the rectangular mass of a US Carrier swerving through the Pacific to avoid his crash. Maneuver as it might, it can't escape. The flight deck rising rapidly before him floats on a wall of ocean, beckoning, as if it is a doorway.
But moments before the pilot meets this portal out of life, he thinks how good it would be not see the future death of his homeland. He is wrong. A devil’s sea has other shocking, touching and altogether absurd surprises waiting on the other side.
John Hogue


Kamikaze Tomorrowland

A Future Fiction Short Story

Year of publication : 2013
Publisher : HogueProphecy Publishing
Number of pages : 25
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : E
Edition notes :