Talk:Sambhog-Samadhi Ek Samaan (संभोग-समाधि एक समान)

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pub info and contents

The page in this book that purports to offer a TOC is somewhat bizarre. Text below derives from an OCR processing of that page, from which arise both systemic differences and possible errors, noticed and unnoticed. Comments below.

अन्तर्वस्तु अनुक्रम (contents order)
भाग ४ (Part Four)

15. शक्तिपात और प्रभु-प्रसाद (ग्रेस ) के अन्तरंग रहस्यों में
1. ओम् के जप से स्वप्न और कल्पना के लोक में भटकाव की सम्भावना 12
2. ओम्-जप का जागृति के लिये उपयोग सम्भव है लेकिन कठिन है 12
3. ओम् और ‘मैं कौन हैं ?' की पुनरुक्ति में मौलिक भिन्नता 14
4. 'मैं कौन हैं?' पूछने में एक खोज है, एक चोट है 14
5. ओम् के प्रयोग से चौथे शरीर पर ही रुक जाने की पूरी सम्भावना 15
6. ओम् साध्य है, साधन नहीं 16
7. जगत् और ब्रह्म के बीच ओम् का अनाहत नाद 17
8. ओम् की मानसिक साधना से उसके वास्तविक स्वरूप की अनुभूति में बाधा 18
9. पुरुष के भीतर स्त्री और स्त्री के भीतर पुरुष 19
10. ब्रह्मचर्य--अपने ही भीतर के विपरीत लिंगी भाव (आकाश) शरीर से सम्भोग द्वारा 19
11. प्रथम शरीर के ग्राहक ( रिसेप्टिव ) होने के कारण स्त्री की शक्तिपात देने में कठिनाई--लेने में सरलता 21
12. स्त्रियाँ धर्म-प्रचारक नहीं, वरन् धर्म-संग्राहक क्यों ? 22
13. पुरुष के लिये शक्तिपात देना सरल--लेना कठिन 23
14. पुरुष के चौथे स्त्रैण-शरीर से प्रसाद (अस) ग्रहण करना सरल 24
15. बुढ़ापे में विपरीत लिंगी व्यक्तित्व का प्रकटीकरण तीन 25

OCR issues

The underlined words are places where differences were noticed between image and OCR output, not counting obvious corrections made. Here we have:

ch 6: character doesn't look like ध, though it's hard to say what it should be.

ch 11, 14 and 15: All the rest except the parenthetical अस in 14 are similar in that ण has replaced the mystery character in the image (right). It is likely that this is a case of a different way in earlier times of writing this character. There are a few characters like this, and indeed the other one in 14, अ, could be one of them but there are problems with that view, and it may be another error.

TOC issues

Aside from these OCR matters, we have some more "serious" questions concerning the odd presentation of apparent chapters in this TOC. First off, what does "Part Four" mean, where might the presumed previous three parts be, and are there more parts scattered around somewhere?

Next, what do the numbers on the right mean? They can hardly be page numbers, as they usually would in that position. It occurred to me that they might somehow be cut-off page numbers, just mysteriously missing their last digits. This would be remotely possible, with the last chapter beginning on page 250 something. But then we get to the ostensible last text page in the book, where the page number is 157, so no cigar there.

And why does this start with ch 15 and then go through ch 1 to another, different 15?

Compilation issues

And, getting off the TOC, what about Chinmaya's declaration that the thing is from some camp at Nargol? How does that fit in? At least with that, we have a partial answer, which unfortunately only raises further questions. On that same last text page, we find जिन खोजा तिन पाइयां up on the top of the left-hand page. That is Jin Khoja Tin Paiyan (जिन खोजा तिन पाइयां), some talks for which were indeed given at Nargol, but what is it doing here? Is this book some kind of mashup?

Other pubs issues

info on Osho's books

Then there are the scans from other pages advertising other publications from Pushpi, the publisher. The section dealing with their other claimed books from Osho is short, from the image to the right. It was thought at first glance to be extensive but only the first six are (supposedly) from him, the others from various other authors:

भगवान श्री रजनीश लिखित
१. सत्य की पहली किरण ४.००
२. ढाई आखर प्रेम का ४.००
३. अहिंसा अहंकार एवं मोक्ष ४.०० (on wiki as Ahinsa, Ahankar Aur Moksha (अहिंसा, अहंकार और मोक्ष))
४. आप कहाँ हैं ४.००
५. संभोग समाधि एक समान ३.००
६. महावीर : प्रेम और सेक्स ३.००

Only the first two are known titles, the other four as apparently made-up as this one; in fact this one is included, selling for three whole rupees. The last title gives some idea of the imagination of this publisher: "Mahaveer: Love and Sex". Really? Come on!

other Pushpi pubs
this book's title page

We can get another angle on where this publisher is at from looking at its other publications. First, the ad at the top of the page on the right offers a "Unique gift", a free pocket calendar-diary on the purchase of a detective thriller novel of Surendra Allahabadi, with a full money-back guarantee. There follow below eight of his titles, with another four listed right below Osho's six books on that page. Of his twelve titles, three begin with "Blood" or "Bloody".

Now, "Allahabadi" just means "from Allahabad", quite possibly a pseudonym, or pen-name if you prefer. <speculation> From the pub info and contents page on the top of this page, we find the following under "publisher" [of Sambhog-Samadhi]:

Surendra Kumar Agrawal,
Pushpi office,
[address in Allahabad]

Does this sound like it might be the same guy? </speculation>

Lastly, we find another ad on the title page, right:

Published from the Pushpi office:
True Stories
A unique magazine of true stories of murder, rape and other thuggery
Interested agents are invited to send their standing orders

Now, does this sound like the kind of people who would be interested in publishing Osho other than for his reputation as a "sex guru"? FWIW, Pushpi still exists -- while these pubs are all likely from the early 70s -- and still in the same part of Allahabad, but its main focus is not publishing but printing. They never were big-league publishers, and Surendra Allahabadi was never a big author. -- more to come, updated doofus-9 06:22, 28 September 2018 (UTC)

Nevertheless . . .

Despite all the issues outlined above, this book turns out to have been a genuine Osho book, in the sense that the words are his and derive from a known series of talks. One of the problems in assessing this has been the partialness of the information, what with the TOC above and the lack of transparency regarding Sambhog-Samadhi's relationship with Jin Khoja.

But okay, Shailendra has pronounced it worthy and verified that it derives from and is in fact a part of Jin Khoja, "Part 4" you might say. And the funny TOC derives from Chinmaya's habit back in the day of dividing chapters into sort-of "sub-chapters", each one having a title pertaining to the theme of perhaps just a few paragraphs. There are likely a few more pages of TOCs still to come, as this lot only takes us to p 25. Shailendra says that the 15 which begins the TOC above is the only chapter number of all of them, although it is in error and should be 16.

More to come later perhaps . . . -- doofus-9 06:37, 2 October 2018 (UTC)

Satya Ki Pahli Kiran (सत्य की पहली किरण), book from above list, published in 1974. I will correct year on main page.--DhyanAntar 07:08, 12 November 2020 (UTC)