Ma Yoga Taru

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Taru was born to sing, and sing she did, in a rich alto voice. She is best known in the West for leading the assembled in singing Gachchhamis. Long-time Indian sannyasins were aware of her in many more contexts, leading a kirtan group, singing bhajans, or a sutra for discourse, helping around the office, always an imposing presence and devoting her life to Osho's work. She left her body on June 20, 2001, laughing, surrounded by sannyasin friends at Osho Anand Ashram in Madhavpur, Gujarat.

In a discourse on Meera, Osho says, “Taru sings with her being – in totality. She sings as Meera must have sung once. She does not stay aloof or stand in the background. She dissolves herself in the song!” (Pad Ghungroo Bandh)

see also
Obit at Osho News
Photo and video montage on YouTube, mostly of Osho, with Taru singing