Life, Love, Laughter

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Here is the essence of Osho's vision: Life as a joy, love as a state of being, laughter as wings.
Preface to Part I :
Life is something impossible. It should not be but it is. It is a miracle that we are, that trees are, that birds are. It is really a miracle, because the whole universe is dead. Millions and millions of stars and millions and millions of solar systems are dead. Only on this small planet earth, which is nothing -- if you think of its proportion it is just a particle of dust -- life has happened on it. This is the most fortunate' place in the whole of existence. Birds are singing, trees are growing, blooming, people are there, loving, singing, dancing. Something just unbelievable has happened.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Snap Your Fingers, Slap Your Face and Wake Up! ch3)
The 1987 edition contains an Index of Sources.
The 2009 edition has very different content. All chapter titles are different. Maybe some quotes are the same, but the compilation is completely new, it could be argued that it is a different book altogether.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
number of discourses/chapters
26 in 3 parts (for the 1987 edition)
12 in 3 parts (for the 2009 edition)   (see table of contents)


Life, Love, Laughter

Year of publication : 1987-09
Publisher : The Rebel Publishing House, Germany
ISBN 3-89338-014-0 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 120
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : First Edition: September 1987. Copyright © Neo-Sannyas International.
Size : 209 x 146 x 8 mm
Author as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Printed in West Germany

Life, Love, Laughter

Celebrating Your Existence

Year of publication : 2009-06
Publisher : St. Martin's Griffin, New York
ISBN 978-0-312-53109-6 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 192
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : New and expanded edition, June 2009. Copyright © 1987, 2009 by Osho International Foudation, Switzerland.
Includes Osho discourse on DVD.
Printed in the United States of America.
Book design by Jennifer Ann Daddio/Bookmark Design and Media Inc.

table of contents

edition 2009
chapter titles
source of the compilation
Part I. Life The Book of Wisdom Vol 2 ~ 01 (extract)
1 No Beginning, No End The Art of Dying ~ 02, q.6 (extract)
2 A Matter of Life and Death unknown
3 Drop the Past Each Moment unknown
4 Sober Up! unknown
Part II. Love unknown
5 The Miracle of Love unknown
6 Let Love Be Your Prayer unknown
7 Three Questions...
1. Three exists deep in myself a yearning for the permanency of love. Is that stupid?
2. I have fallen in love and suffered much. After listening to you I have felt unwilling to let go of the dream that my love affair will not ultimately lead to satisfaction. How can I go beyond this attachment that is so rich, yet so painful?
3. Lately, I have begun to realize how even my lover is a stranger to me. Still, there is an intense longing to overcome the separation between us. It almost feels as if we are lines running parallel to each other but destined never to meet. Is the world of consciousness like the world of geometry -- or is there a chance that parallels can meet?
Part III. Laughter unknown
8 Life Is Not Serious unknown
9 Don't Make Wicked Jokes unknown
10 Become a Child Again unknown
11 A Sense of Humor Beyond the Mind unknown
12 Learn to Laugh at Yourself unknown