Talk:Go Deep, Be Natural, Go Beyond

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Re: "the book's title does not fit the series' title format. It might be a 'prototype'," we have to wonder whether this "prototype" might be pretty half-assed, or otoh, too clever by half. This revolves around the spelling of "be". You might wonder how hard is it to spell "be" correctly, but from one angle, it seems it is too hard for OMI. Right there on the cover we have "Bee Natural".

But then we get to the otoh. Might this "mis-"spelling be intended? OMG! The answer is a definite "maybe"; there are hints and indications: Also on the cover we have the image, which appears to be -- possibly!! -- of bees' wings, taken close-up. And supporting this possibility is the language of indirect, repressive sex education: In "polite" society -- in the English-speaking world, which is based on one of the most sexually uptight, repressive and downright stupid colonial cultures, the British, especially as personified by Puritan-heritage America -- informal sex education, especially parent-to-child, is frequently, even ritually, referred to as "the birds and the bees", as in the birds and bees "do it" to reproduce, and so do humans, but it's all about reproduction, nothing to do with pleasure or higher possibilities.

So do we have a sly reference to this old-fashioned repressive way of teaching about sex to youngsters or do we have a mistake? Only OMI knows, and they ain't sayin'. The only arbiters we might have on this are the few folks still selling it or offering it in their libraries, etc, and those few arbiters are unanimous that it is a mistake. In their text-format titles, it's all "Be", with no text examples of "Bee" currently found anywhere. And so the fact that OMI is not to be found offering it (and possibly justifying this usage) likely says that they are embarrassed and would rather it just disappear. If it was ever really intended as a sly joke, no one got it.

Even ex-President Bill Clinton -- though he may have pointed to an uncertainty about the meaning of "is", while hinting at the deep philosophical possibilities -- at least knew how to spell "is", and likely "be" as well. OMI should be embarrassed. -- doofus-9 16:16, 5 May 2017 (UTC)