Testimonial letter from Gabriella Klainguti: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Testimonial-Type3-notrans | name = Gabriella Klainguti | sortField = Klainguti | exhibit = A-1062 | nameFrontJpg = Exhibit A-1062-01, Coll 621 box1 f16.jpg | namePdf = Exhib...")
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{{Testimonial-Type3 |
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A. Klainguti <br>
Via G. Cattori, 4 <br>
Tel. (091) 54 71 34 <br>
CH - 6900 Lugano <br>
Lugano, 20 luglio 1983
A chi può essere interessato:
Io sottoscritta, Gabriella Klainguti, nata Veronesi, di nazionalità Svizzera, Pass. No.3939945, nata il 31.11.1926, coniugata il 31.1.1951 col Signor Andrea Klainguti, di professione commerciante, madre di due figli maschi, Aldo Klainguti, Dottore in medicina, operante all’Ospedale S.Giovanni di Bellinzona, e Ugo Claudio Klainguti, studente del quinto anno di Liceo Linguistico, specifico questi dati a chi possa interessare.
Costretta ad interrompere i miei studi alla Facoltà di Medicina dell'università di Genova a causa del Secondo Conflitto Mondiale, ho comunque praticato per moltissimi anni corsi di Psicologia e Filosofia, Teosofia e Storia delle Religioni; attraverso queste incessanti ricerche spirituali ho incontrato, attraverso la lettura, il pensiero di Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
Esente dall’esserne influenzata e coinvolta come seguace o discepola di suddetto Maestro, posso dichiarare a ragion veduta quanto segue: "La mia esistenza sofferta ha trovato in questo rapporto altamente profondo e morale tutte le componenti per dare un senso logico ed equilibrato alla mia esistenza migliorando, anzi direi perfezionando i miei rapporti con la società a tutti i livelli." So che la mia voce è piccola, ma fiduciosa e dal profondo della mia coscienza democratica, per la simpatia e stima che porto nei miei concetti di vita alla grande Nazione Americana, so che non sarà vana.
Con fiducia e viva speranza di essere udita, porgo i miei ossequi.
In fede <br>
translation =  
Lugano, July 20, 1983
I undersigned, Gabrielle Klainguti, born Veronesi, of Swiss nationality, passport No. 3939945, born November 13, 1926, married January 31, 1951 to Mr. Andrea Klainguti, merchant, mother of two sons: Aldo Klainguti, Medical Doctor at St. Giovanni Hospital in Bellinzona, and Ugo Claudio Klainguti, fifth grade student at the Linguistic College, declare the following facts to whom they may concern:
Having been forced to quit my studies at the Medical University of Geneva because of the Second World War, I attended courses of psychology, philosophy, Theosophy and history of religions for many years. In the course of these unending spiritual research I came to hear of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s teachings through his books.
As I am not a disciple of this Master, nor his follower, I can obviously state without being influenced or biased the following: My life so full of sufferings has found all the necessary components in this highly profound and moral relationship to give my existence a logical and harmonious meaningfulness, improving or - I would rather say - making more perfect my relations with society in every respect.
I know that my voice is small, but I also know that it will not be unheard, because of its trust and its deep democratic beliefs, because of the sympathy and respect I feel - in my life ideals -for the great American nation. I trust and heartily hope that you will hear my words.
Yours faithfully.

Latest revision as of 20:34, 10 September 2023

This letter is one of a remarkable series of over 2650 letters amassed in 1983 to support Osho's attempt to get permanent resident status in the US at the time of the Oregon ranch. The image is reproduced here with the kind permission of The Oregon Historical Society. Information about their collection of these letters and other supporting material -- the "Jeffrey Noles Rajneesh Collection", named for Osho's immigration lawyer Jeffrey Noles, who compiled them in 1983 and donated them to the OHS -- can be found at this page. The wiki is grateful to the OHS for making access available for these documents. For more information and links to all the letters, see Testimonial letters.

This letter is from Gabriella Klainguti. It is "Exhibit A-1062" in the Noles collection.

The text version below has been created by optical character recognition (OCR), from the images supplied by OHS. It has not been checked for errors but this process usually results in over 99% correct transcription. Most apparent "errors" are correct transcriptions of typos already in the original.

The original letter, written in Italian, appears first, followed by its English translation. The image on the right in the text box links to a pdf file with the whole original letter, the translation and a notary statement attesting to the validity of the translation. It has 3 pages.

A. Klainguti
Via G. Cattori, 4
Tel. (091) 54 71 34
CH - 6900 Lugano
Lugano, 20 luglio 1983

A chi può essere interessato:

Io sottoscritta, Gabriella Klainguti, nata Veronesi, di nazionalità Svizzera, Pass. No.3939945, nata il 31.11.1926, coniugata il 31.1.1951 col Signor Andrea Klainguti, di professione commerciante, madre di due figli maschi, Aldo Klainguti, Dottore in medicina, operante all’Ospedale S.Giovanni di Bellinzona, e Ugo Claudio Klainguti, studente del quinto anno di Liceo Linguistico, specifico questi dati a chi possa interessare.

Costretta ad interrompere i miei studi alla Facoltà di Medicina dell'università di Genova a causa del Secondo Conflitto Mondiale, ho comunque praticato per moltissimi anni corsi di Psicologia e Filosofia, Teosofia e Storia delle Religioni; attraverso queste incessanti ricerche spirituali ho incontrato, attraverso la lettura, il pensiero di Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.

Esente dall’esserne influenzata e coinvolta come seguace o discepola di suddetto Maestro, posso dichiarare a ragion veduta quanto segue: "La mia esistenza sofferta ha trovato in questo rapporto altamente profondo e morale tutte le componenti per dare un senso logico ed equilibrato alla mia esistenza migliorando, anzi direi perfezionando i miei rapporti con la società a tutti i livelli." So che la mia voce è piccola, ma fiduciosa e dal profondo della mia coscienza democratica, per la simpatia e stima che porto nei miei concetti di vita alla grande Nazione Americana, so che non sarà vana.

Con fiducia e viva speranza di essere udita, porgo i miei ossequi.

In fede


Lugano, July 20, 1983

I undersigned, Gabrielle Klainguti, born Veronesi, of Swiss nationality, passport No. 3939945, born November 13, 1926, married January 31, 1951 to Mr. Andrea Klainguti, merchant, mother of two sons: Aldo Klainguti, Medical Doctor at St. Giovanni Hospital in Bellinzona, and Ugo Claudio Klainguti, fifth grade student at the Linguistic College, declare the following facts to whom they may concern:

Having been forced to quit my studies at the Medical University of Geneva because of the Second World War, I attended courses of psychology, philosophy, Theosophy and history of religions for many years. In the course of these unending spiritual research I came to hear of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s teachings through his books.

As I am not a disciple of this Master, nor his follower, I can obviously state without being influenced or biased the following: My life so full of sufferings has found all the necessary components in this highly profound and moral relationship to give my existence a logical and harmonious meaningfulness, improving or - I would rather say - making more perfect my relations with society in every respect.

I know that my voice is small, but I also know that it will not be unheard, because of its trust and its deep democratic beliefs, because of the sympathy and respect I feel - in my life ideals -for the great American nation. I trust and heartily hope that you will hear my words.

Yours faithfully.


(Please note: We assume that the above letter is still copyrighted, but we regard its historical interest to constitute a Fair Use exception for publication in this wiki.)