Communism and Zen Fire ~ 03

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event type discourse & meditation
date & time 1 Feb 1989 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 3h 26min. Quality: good.
Osho leading meditation from 3:09:32.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 3h 26min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle FIRE03
Reader of the sutra: Ma Prem Maneesha. Questions are being read by Osho himself.
After discourse Osho leads No-Mind Meditation.
The sutra
The monk, Sompu, was once washing a Buddha statue. Yakusan came and asked him, "Now you are washing this, but can you wash that?"
Sompu replied, "Please get that and bring it to me."
The master didn't say anything.
On another occasion, when Yakusan was sitting down, a monk came up to him and said, "Osho, you are sitting silently. What are you thinking?"
Yakusan replied, "I'm thinking the unthinkable."
The monk said, "How do you think the unthinkable?"
Yakusan replied, "Non-thinking."
When Yakusan was about to die, he yelled out, "The hall is falling down! The hall is falling down!"
The monks brought various things and began to prop it up. Yakusan threw up his hands and said, "No one of you understood what I meant!"

Question 1
Why does communism need a dictatorship of the proletariat? Why not democracy?
Question 2
Why has the state not disappeared after seventy years?
Question 3
Our Beloved Master, there was no place for any God in the work of the Russian mystic, George Gurdjieff, yet he did not attract a large number of disciples in Western Europe or in his home country. Was this more a reflection of his abilities as a communicator or were the Russian people simply not ready to receive him?


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