Encounters with an Inexplicable Man

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Back cover:
What was it like to live in the community of a spiritual anarchist? To be buffeted in the energy-field of the most controversial mystic of the 20th century? Osho drew world attention by driving Rolls Royces, dressing in otherworldly robes and attracting vast numbers of dencing red-clothed followers. His iconoclastic views punctured the serenity of both Indian and American society, and the world press had a field day attempting to discredit him. Yet his radical spiritual vision has deeply infiltrated 21st-century daily life, and its power continues to be celebrated worldwide.
These simple tales of the jolts and joys on the way to transformation give us an intimate glimpse into the relationship between this rare contemporary mystic abnd some of his thousands of sannyasins, who came from all walks of life and several continents to live and work around him.
To compile this collection, Savita talked to scores of Osho’s devotees, past and present, gathering together their intimate, provocative and sometimes comical memories.
Quotes at the start of the book:
"I am absolutely for the world.
The world is a great school. Experiment, meditate, and be constantly in touch with things that disturb you.
One day nothing will be disturbing, and that will be a day of great rejoicing"
- Osho -
"It is difficult to understand the power of Osho's energy.
It was so strong, it came like a great wind and completely upturned our lives"
- Bhadra Shah -
"The relationship between master and disciple is totally different from any other.
It is not an emotional relationship, nor is it based on any psychological understanding.
It's nothing to do with time, space or mind...
It's a relationship of the being"
- Prem Pankaja -
Savita Brandt
Contains Biographies of each of the contributors, Endnotes with sources etc., a Glossary of unusual and Hindi terms, and and extensive References to sources from Osho and sannyasin authors.
some reviews of the book at BellsMedia


Encounters with an Inexplicable Man

Stories of Osho As Told by his People
Compiled and Edited by Savita Brandt

Year of publication : 2014
Publisher : Dancing Buddhas Books
ISBN 978-81-907759-1-5 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 279
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes : Copyright ©2014 by Judith Brandt.
Size : 228 x 155 x 20 mm
Line drawing of Osho by Savita Brandt
Book editing and typographic design by Prem Shashi
Production by Celebrants, B10 Sunshine Towers, Koregaon Park, Pune 411001, India
Printed and bound by Thomson Press (India) Ltd
dedication: To Satsanga, who will never know how much he helped me love... / And to Osho, who is love
Foreword: Sw Anand Subuthi, Former UK political correspondent, author of My Dance with a Madman
Preface: SB
  • Savita at her book launch in Pune

    Savita at her book launch in Pune