Ma Deva Aneesha

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(L. Dillon)

Aneesha, who has a Bachelor's degree in philosophy and political science from the University of Boston, trained in neo-Reichian education with Charles Kelley at the Radix Institute over 30 years ago, and in 1976 went to India to meet Osho. Through her long association with Osho’s work she has developed a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western techniques for human growth and inner exploration. She is the creator of Pulsation, a meeting of the work of Wilhelm Reich with meditation, and has developed Tantric Pulsation, which is rooted in the body’s natural capacity for pleasure and joy, and the spirit’s longing for silence and meditation.

Aneesha just published her new book

Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering.

Available also in Italian

la pulsazione tantrica

and Russian

Тантрические пульсации: От животных корней к духовному цветению

Contact Details

287 Scenic Rd.
Fairfax, CA
Osho Pulsation
287 Scenic Rd.
Fairfax, CA
Osho Pulsation
see also
Aneesha on facebook
The Common Well Holistic Center
Deeper into Life
Aneesha at Osho Campus
Aneesha at Active Meditation
The Current Relevance of Body Contact in Radix Work (pdf)