Sw Krishna Saraswati

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(Ramanbhai Patel)

Krishna Saraswati, Pratima and the ring
see text
early 70s
early 70s
healing session at Mt Abu

Saraswati left his body this afternoon, Feb 7, 2020 in Ahmedabad.

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He was associated with Osho since the early days in Bombay. Osho first sent him to Kenya to open and facilitate a new meditation centre in Narobi, Anand Need.

Osho married him in Mt Abu to Ma Yoga Pratima, of the USA. In the top photo on right, Osho is putting a ring on Krishna Saraswati’s finger with Pratima at his knee. Later Saraswati moved to the United States, and was on hand to greet Osho in Chidvilas when he arrived in 1981.

In the group shot in the second picture, we have from left: Sw Krishna Kabeer, Pratima, Krishna Saraswati, Ma Anand Prem, Sw Yoga Chinmaya. Some others are Ma Yoga Taru, Ma Darshan, Ma Aruna; sitting with dark glasses is Himmat Bhai.

Osho wrote many letters to Krishna Saraswati, in Hindi and in English, some published, most not. The wiki is fortunate to have high-quality images of thirteen of them:

Letter written on 18 Feb 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 19 Feb 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 19 Feb 1971 (2) -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 20 Feb 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 21 Feb 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 24 Feb 1971 (KSaraswati) -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 1 Apr 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 2 Apr 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi
Letter written on 19 Apr 1971 (KSaraswati) -- The Silent Music #1, English
Letter written on 17 May 1971 -- The Silent Music #11, English
Letter written on 22 May 1971 (KSaraswati) -- The Silent Music #21, English
Letter written on 23 May 1971 (KSaraswati) -- The Silent Music #25, English
Letter written on 18 Oct 1971 -- unpublished, Hindi

see also
Re-Birthing workshop with Saraswati