Krishna Meri Drishti Mein ~ 16

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कृष्ण : मेरी दृष्टि में ~ 16

event type discourse
date & time 3 Oct 1970 am
location Manali (HP), meditation camp
language Hindi
audio Available, duration 1h 38min. Quality: good (under revision).
online audio
video Not available
online video
see also
online text find a PDF of this event. A partial transcript is here.
shorttitle KRISHN16
CD-ROM on this book: "Talks given at a meditation camp at Kulu/Manali, India, (Sep 26-Oct5) except first chapter, given at CCI chambers, Bombay (July 20)."
On audio questions during first 8 minutes two questioners were asking, see Krishna Meri Drishti Mein ~ 16 (transcript). Book version formed from them q.1 and 4.
(Translated as in Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy on CD-ROM)
Question 1
Arvind had seen visions of Krishna and been in contact with Yogi Lele. Is it that a final judgement on the experiments conducted at pondicherry will be made by future generations? What do you think of Alice Bailey who claims to receive messages? Where do the messages come from? And how? Do you too have such esoteric contacts with some masters?
Question 2
It takes at least four hours to go through the whole of the Geeta consisting of eighteen chapters and seven hundred and one shlokas -- couplets. Does it mean that the battle of the Mahabharat was adjourned for this length of time when the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna was going on?
Question 3
The other day you said that a soul is reborn within a year of its leaving its former body, and just now you said that a certain ghost lived in the bodiless state for eleven hundred years. Please explain the contradiction.
Question 4
According to the history of Jainism, the twenty-second Jaina tirthankara, Neminath, was Krishna's cousin. After going through a spell of severe ascetic discipline Neminath became renowned as a Hindu seer by the name of Ghor Angiras, and he is said to have served as a link between Krishna and esoteric knowledge. What do you say about it? Is such a relationship between Neminath and Krishna possible? You said that Krishna's coming into being depended on very inner reasons. What are those inner reasons in the context of esoteric knowledge?
Question 5
Did Krishna have to pass through atheism in order to attain to the highest in theism?

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