YAA HOO The Mystic Rose ~ 20

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event type discourse
date & time 8 Apr 1988 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 0h 24min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Available, duration 0h 30min. Quality: inferior: VHS-copy? The picture twitches, sometimes video-noise, constant audio-noise. . Screen-text at the end incomplete, see notes (under revision).
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle YAAHOO20
Osho walks out after 30min, when among the public there is inappropriate and continuous laughter.
In the video (VHS copy), after the picture ends there is a screen-text:
"After the discourse, the people who had been laughing while Bhagwan was speaking realised that they had disturbed Bhagwan and caused". (Sic. So this text is incomplete)
See also the notes at YAA HOO The Mystic Rose ~ 21, next day's event.
Reader of the questions: Sw Anand Vimal.
Question 1 from Dhyan Charyo
Beloved Osho, in the two minutes of silence and let-go the other night, you took us to the highest level of consciousness.
The soundless sound and inexpressible gratitude inside, even the watcher disappears. I cannot believe how easy it is!
Beloved master, is this energy always available, or only close to your physical presence? Is it possible to live in it all the time even while working in Bombay, Sydney or Hamburg?
Then the love between us and my responsibility would become ultimate freedom!
P.S. In my lifetimes I have never been so happy!


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