Zen The Mystery and Poetry ~ 02

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event type discourse & meditation
date & time 9 Jan 1989 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 54min. Quality: good.
Osho leading meditation from 1:41:04.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 57min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle POETRY02
Reader of the sutras: Ma Prem Maneesha. Questions are being read by Osho himself.
After discourse Osho leads No-Mind Meditation.
The sutras
A monk asked Koyo Seijo, "Daitsu sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain buddhahood; he did not become a buddha. How can this be?"
Seijo said, "Your question is quite self-explanatory."
The monk asked, "He meditated so long; why could he not attain buddhahood?"
Seijo said, "Because he did not become a buddha."
At another time, a monk asked Roso, "What is meant by 'in front of your nose'?"
Roso responded, "Slender bamboos cannot be used as musical instruments; a gourd cannot return to the trellis it grew on."
Saigun once entered a temple and noticed a sparrow making droppings on the head of an image of Buddha. Saigun said to Nyoe, a disciple of Ma Tzu, "Has the sparrow the Buddha-nature or not?"
Nyoe answered, "Yes!"
Saigun said, "Then why does it make droppings on the head of Buddha?"
Nyoe replied, "Does it make droppings on the head of a hawk?"

Question 1
Our Beloved Master, from the schoolroom, where laughter is thought to undermine authority, to the local five star hotel, where it is considered an embarrassment, a sense of humor is no joke.
If, from birth, we were allowed to laugh without restraint, would we not successfully subvert our conditioning, and save our natural intelligence?


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