Zen The Solitary Bird ~ 12

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event type discourse & meditation
date & time 8 Jul 1988 pm
location Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 10min. Quality: good.
Osho leading meditation from 49:55.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 7min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle CUCKOO12
Reader of the sutras: Ma Prem Maneesha. Questions are being read by Osho himself.
After discourse Osho leads No-Mind Meditation.
The sutras
Once a monk made a portrait of Joshu and gave it to him.
Joshu said to the monk, "Tell me, does this look like me or not? If it looks like me, I will beat me to death; if it doesn't, I will burn you to death!"
The monk had nothing to say.
One of Kinzan's monks painted a portrait of him and presented it to him.
Kinzan said to the monk, "Is it like me or not?"
The monk made no answer.
Kinzan, answering himself, said, "Let the assembly decide!"
Fuke was the chief disciple of Banzan, and was the most eccentric of all the Zen monks.
When Banzan was about to die, he asked his monks to bring him his portrait, but he was not satisfied with any of them.
At that time, Fuke had one of them, and Banzan said, "Why don't you show me it then?"
Fuke turned a somersault and went out.
Banzan said, "This lunatic will pervert the true way from now on."

Question 1
Who can portray the master?
Are not all paintings in fact self-portraits?


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