Bhagwan: Twelve Days that Shook the World

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Maneesha says of her trilogy:
"In 1985, after he returned to India from his world tour, Osho suggested that I write a book that would be, as he termed it, "the historical documentation" of his work and the movement that grew up around him. "Having at that point been with him for fourteen years, I found it impossible to squeeze all that needed to be said within the confines of one volume. So triplets emerged…an entire trilogy!
(Curiously enough, each book did take nine months to complete)
"I have a particular affection for Bhagwan: Twelve Days that Shook the World – the second volume – too. It required a tremendous amount of research and, in gathering that all together, I realized that I was looking at a thriller, and one in a genre all its own: a political-spiritual one. Though some readers might find the court testimony a lot to tackle, I included it because I personally find it fascinating, and because I want all that happened to Osho and his work to be recorded, as precisely as possible, for posterity. I thought that if I don't do this now, maybe it will never get done.
From back of the book:
The inside story of the arrest and jailing of the controversial, world famous mystic, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. What really happened over those twelve days? Picking up the story of her years with Bhagwan from where her first book (Bhagwan: The Buddha for the Future) ended, Juliet Forman describes the arrest, imprisonment and attempted murder of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh by the Reagan Administration.
This is a vivid portrayal of one man who dared to expose the “hypocrisy called democracy” that is America. It is he electrifying account of America’s response to a visionary who offered her a blueprint for a new future. It is the shattering story of a modern day mystic – and his contemporary crucifixion.

Bhagwan: Twelve Days that Shook the World

Year of publication : 1989
Publisher : Rebel Pub. House, Köln
ISBN 3893380582 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 518
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :
Author : Juliet Forman