A Vanished Road

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This is a humorous and touching account of a young woman's journey overland to India in 1971, before the ravages of conflicts and wars inflicted irreversible damage to a way of life that had lasted for centuries. There were no guidebooks or maps about these untravelled countries; for directions and information the author and her companions had to rely on the goodwill and patience of the locals, almost none of whom spoke any western language, and tips gathered from meetings with other travellers. It was an extraordinary trip - frustrating and dangerous at times but, for the most part, an intriguing communication with local people who showed heart-warming generosity and hospitality to these strangers visiting from distant lands.

A Vanished Road

Travelling Eastwards Through Distant Lands Now Changed Forever

Year of publication : 2011
Publisher : Amazon
ISBN 1480248002 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 142
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : eBook
Edition notes :
Author : Ma Prema Veena

A Vanished Road

Travelling Eastwards Through Distant Lands Now Changed Forever

Year of publication : 2012
Publisher : Createspace, USA
ISBN 1480248002 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 140
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :
Author : Ma Prema Veena