Talk:Rom Rom Ras Peejiye (रोम रोम रस पीजिए)

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Revision as of 19:50, 19 May 2015 by Sarlo (talk | contribs)
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प्रवचन (TOC):
1. रोम रोम रस पीजिए
2. अज्ञान का बोध
3. बच्चों को विस्वास नहीं जिज्ञासा सिखाएं
4. झूठे धर्मों की विदाई, सच्चे धर्म का जन्म
5. धर्म है आत्मस्मरण
6. आध्यात्मिक विकास में चरित्रमात्र का विकास
7. दूसरे पर श्रद्धा आत्म-अश्रद्धा की घोषणा है
8. आदमी की एकमात्र कमजोरी: अहंकार
9. मन के मंदिर में ध्यान का दीया

The Hindi blurb itself names Shardagram as the place for this camp. Neeten's Appendix section (see Osho Source Book link at his page) mentions Shardagram only once, as a camp on these dates (with nine talks), so putting them together seems appropriate. Also somewhat soundly inferential is the answer to the question of where exactly IS Shardagram? As it happens, the only significant mentions of Shardagram on the net have to do with this school in seaside Gujarat. So there ya go. Presumptions have been made. -- doofus-9 (talk) 19:50, 19 May 2015 (UTC)