The Man of Truth

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Osho transforms questions from the world’s media into exchanges of remarkable depth. He uses the opportunity to give worldwide exposure to his radical, far-reaching vision. Facing the most remarkable interviewee they are ever likely to meet, a few journalists are seen to flounder as they sense they are losing their grip on the proceedings. But many become fascinated and delighted by the realization that they are spending precious time with a unique and extraordinarily ordinary being who is sharing his inimitable vision of world events, human relationships, and the art of being a seeker whilst living in the thick of the challenges of the contemporary world.
With his enlightened gift for repartee and some exquisitely timed insights, Osho transforms any attempts at shallow sensationalism into an opportunity for exchanges of a remarkable depth, and uses the opportunity to give worldwide exposure to his radical, far-reaching vision.
In these times of information overload, when a daily newspaper can seem outdated before it reaches the shelves, the words in this book are as fresh and relevant today as they were on the day they were spoken. In fact, they continue to be far ahead of their time.
This book contains a selection of interviews with the world press, from the previously published The Last Testament, Vol 1, which was itself a compilation of some of the 166 press conferences and interviews Osho gave in the last year of the Oregon ranch and during his "World Tour" (see The Last Testament (Vol 1) to (Vol 6)). Most have never been published.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Jul 17, 1985 to Aug 13, 1986 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


The Man of Truth

A Majority of One

Year of publication : 2008
Publisher : Osho Media International
ISBN 9788172612221 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 398
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : Includes a DVD with a press interview.