UO - The Rajneeshees in Oregon - A Communal Experiment (2014)

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A panel discussion on the 30th anniversary of Rajneeshpuram, between three involved Emeritus Professors of the University of Oregon.
Description of the film's webpage on the UO Channel:
UO Libraries recognizes the 30th anniversary of a red- and orange-hued controversy that rocked the state in the mid-1980s, with “The Rajneeshees in Oregon: A Communal Experiment.”
Panel discussion featuring UO President Emeritus Dave Frohnmayer, UO Professor Emeritus Marion Goldman and Professor Emeritus Roshani Shay of Western Oregon University will offer insights into the lasting effect that Rajneeshpuram and its inhabitants had on the region.
The symposium is cosponsored by the Oregon Humanities Center, UO Department of History, Department of Sociology and School of Law.
1hour 21min

see also

OshoFilmArchive catalog no : OFA00,083


This film on the UO Channel
(Roshani Shay introduction from 4:25 -- 11:43.)
