The Path of the Mystic ~ 10

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event type discourse
date & time 9 May 1986 am
location Punta Del Este, Montevideo, Uruguay
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 29min. Quality: good.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 32min. Quality: good.
online video
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online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle MYSTIC10
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1
Beloved Osho, can you talk more about the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious mind? It seems that the brain has the capacity to store an experience, say, in a memory bank. Now if that memory ends up in the unconscious, what happens? Is it that the conscious mind represses it and tabs it "censored" or does the unconscious do the censoring? But does the unconscious have any investment in repression? And if not, is it the conscious that is continuously providing the energy to keep this material censored? And if so, is there a key to the unconscious within the conscious? Is this the need to go to the superconscious before gaining access to the unconscious?
Question 2
Beloved Osho, the other evening I tried the technique you suggested for being hypnotized. Although I became more deeply relaxed than I ever have, I still remained quite conscious, so it seems I did not tap into the unconscious and any unconscious memories. But I did have many images passing rapidly through my mind, which I described aloud. Is there any point in doing this, or should one bypass any images and wait until one finds the knack of falling into the unconscious?
Question 3
Beloved Osho, the first time I saw you was when I took sannyas, and I had that beautiful feeling of "being at home" for the first time in my life. Whenever I'm away from you I feel a certain restlessness that keeps me moving from one place to another, never feeling right wherever I am. The moment I'm staying close to you again the feeling is back: I'm home again.
What is this beautiful feeling? You always say there is no home unless we find it in ourselves. But what is this feeling of being at home?
Question 4
Beloved Osho, I heard you say that there is no way for the contents of the unconscious mind to be released directly; first they have to come to the notice of the conscious mind, where they have to be accepted and expressed. What is the mechanism that happens then in the case of hysterical paralysis? You have told the story of the girl who became paralyzed with the shock of her husband's death. When her house caught fire, life returned to her limbs and she was able to run from the house. Presumably there was such a shock to her system that the unconscious simply dropped the unresolved problem she was repressing. But there would not have been enough time for the conscious mind to process it. Could you talk to us about this please?


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