The Last Testament (Vol 1) ~ 11

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event type interview
date & time 28 Jul 1985 pm
location Jesus Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 49min. Quality: good.
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 48min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST111
CD-ROM on this chapter: This discourse is published in The Last Testament, Vol 1, chapter 22.
Interview. Announcements by Ma Anand Sheela : Bob Fleming, Davis Enterprises, Davis, California.
Question 1
Edited excerpt: 5min 58sec, parts of question 1 **
I suppose I am from probably the smallest newspaper ever to interview you. We have very intelligent readers, though. I brought you a small present, a copy of the paper, so you can read all about Davis. Most of what people in my town have heard of you and Rajneeshpuram has been on television and in the newspapers. None of them has been here that I know of and I know the two days that I've been here have been much different than I expected. In fact, when I called my editor to say I had an interview, she wanted to know where I was going to be because she was afraid you guys wouldn't let me come back!
So, anyway, Davis is a very ordinary middle class kind of town, and it seems like people need a structure or framework to understand you. You say you are not a philosophy or religion.... Can you state in ordinary American middle class terms what you stand for?
Question 2
Since Americans, and especially Oregonians, pride themselves as having the land of the free -- we hear that all the time at grade schools, national anthems and so on -- why do you think so many people are so opposed -- I mean not just opposed, but really ardently opposed -- to what you're trying to do?


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