The New Alchemy: To Turn You On

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Containing talks from two early meditation camps, this volume features Osho speaking on the theosophist, Mabel Collins. He speaks of the intensity and totality needed by meditators, the relationship between sex and death, the role of the master, and pain caused by active meditations. He also answers basic questions such as, Why meditate? Why seek? What is the difference between mind and consciousness... between surrender and blind faith? How can I be wholehearted in meditation? He answers many specific questions about his different techniques. The appendix, Catharsis and Meditation: Steps on the Path, presents Osho's reasons for cathartic techniques.
Chapter 1 is called the "Preface" in the book, chapters 2 - 17 correspond to Chapters 1 - 16 in the book. Chapters 18 - 34 correspond to the Appendix of the book, 1 - 17.
1 - 17 were recorded in the Bikaner Palace Hotel, Mt Abu, 18 - 34 were recorded at Anand Shila Meditation Camp in Bombay.
Later published as The Voice of Silence
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Feb 9, 1973 to Apr 14, 1973 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


The New Alchemy: To Turn You On

Talks on Mabel Collin's Light on the Path

Year of publication : 1978
Reprint : 1981
Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation
ISBN 0-88050-098-0 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 280
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : First edition March 1978, 5,000 copies. Published by Ma Yoga Laxmi.
Editor: Ma Satya Bharti
Design: Sw Anand Yatri; Ma Prem Tushita
Photography: Sw Krishna Bharti
Introduction: Ma Satya Bharti