Osho: Messiah of Life, Love and Laughter

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Sw Devageet
Anounced, a.o. in the Author's note of OSHO, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair, see below.


Osho: Messiah of Life, Love and Laughter

Year of publication : upcoming
Publisher : Sammasati Publishing
Number of pages :
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook :
Edition notes :

Author's note

This is the Author's note in OSHO, The First Buddha in the Dental Chair.
While on his ‘world tour’ Osho had sent word from his unknown whereabouts (later found to be Portugal) asking me to write a book detailing my life with him, to be entitled: Bhagwan, Messiah of Life, Love and Laughter: a subjective account of my life with the enlightened master, Bhagwan. He changed his name to Osho in 1989, and I later changed the title accordingly.
Osho The First Buddha in the Dental Chair: Amusing Anecdotes By His Personal Dentist, is the second book he asked me to write, in 1987. These dental anecdotes focus mainly on events, giving only a minimal background sketch of their historical context.
Osho: Messiah of Life, Love and Laughter, has a different focus. It follows the timeline from my first meeting with Bhagwan, to when he left his body as Osho. It contains details of time, place, people and situations, which provide an understanding of the background context for the events being described. It details three main phases of my life with Osho; the first, as a sannyasin in the early days of the Ashram in Pune; the second, in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, USA.; the third, Pune from 1987 until January 19, 1990, when he left his physical body. This book will offer future generations with a detailed, hands-on, personalized view of those tumultuous, rapturous days.
Writing these books is a gift, and also a responsibility. Future readers will come to know Osho through these pages. I have trusted my own experience of Osho. His words, especially in the dental room are as I remember them. He trusted me to remember. In Chapter 14, I describe an “Akashic Transmission,” no other words fit what transpired: reading it you will understand. I had asked, at the time, if I should take notes while he spoke. He told me there was no need, that I would remember. I have remembered. In this book his words, as I remember them, are in italics.
I hope the errors in style due to my lack of literary skills are more than compensated by the unique vantage point I offer from having been in the lion’s mouth.