Talk:Main Dharmikta Sikhata Hun, Dharm Nahin (मैं धार्मिकता सिखाता हूं, धर्म नहीं)

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Lots of variations in the details of the different editions can be found, so those reported here may not be entirely correct. The 2003 Rebel edition's details were not found all together at one reliable site but cobbled together in a process consisting of a significant part of surmise. The year may be 2001, it may have the same ISBN as the 2010 edition. It appears to have the same picture of Osho and a design similar to that of the English 1988 first edition, so modeled on that and likely the first Hindi edition.

The 2010 edition was said by a few sites to be a first edition but this is not very credible. And some sites attribute publisher status to Osho Media International and Sadhana Foundations [sic]. The 2007 Diamond edition was said variously to have been 2003, 2007, 2008 and 2013, though G**gle's peek inside the book shows 2007. G**gle and a few other sites show the cover image as all black and white. And most sites give the page count as 184 but Diamond's own site says 176.

FWIW -- Sarlo (talk) 23:38, 25 July 2014 (PDT)

विषय सूची (TOC):
     भाग 1: धर्म नहीँ है धर्मोँ मेँ
1: धर्मोँ की मृत चट्टानेँ :धार्मिकता की बह्ती सरिता
2: मन की बचकानी माँगोँ को-धर्मोँ ने पकडाए खिलौने
3: ईश्वर और शैतान:बिलकुल सटिक जोडी
4: काल्पनिक समस्या: कल्पित समाधान
5: ईश्वर:विकलाँग मानसिकता के लिए एक ज़ूठी बैसाखी
6: स्वार्थ के बीज: परार्थ के फूल
7: देह और आत्मा के बीच चीन की दिवार
8: तथाकथित प्रार्थनाएँ: ईश्वर के नाम सलाहेँ व शिकायतेँ  
9: मैँ जागरण सिखाता हूँ, आचरण नहीँ
10: मैँ रूपाँतरण सिखाता हूँ, दमन नहीँ
11: विकृतियोँ का मूलस्त्रोत: अप्राकृतिक काम-दमन
12: धर्मोँ की सँगठित अपराध-व्यवस्था
13: मैँ आत्मग्यान सिखाता हूँ, अनुशासन नहीँ2
     भाग 2: धार्मिकता अर्थात जीवन की कला
होश और हास्य, आनँद-अहोभाव-महोत्सव
1: ईदन के उधान मेँ पुन:प्रवेश
2: मैँ आह्लाद सिखाता हूँ, विषाद नहीँ
3: मैँ जीवन-प्रेम सिखाता हूँ, मृत्यु-पूजा नहीँ
4: ध्यान की आबोहवा: प्रेम के फूल
5: हास्य मेँ भगवत्ता की ज़लक
6: जागो-और मुक्त हो जाओ
7: एकाग्रता:मन का अनुशासन, ध्यान:मन का विसर्जन  
8: सँबोधि तुम्हारा स्वभाव है
9: मौन का रसास्वादन: धार्मिकता की अनुभूति

In the article page, it was written previously: "Title translates approximately as 'I Teach Religiousness Not Religion', and this compilation fulfills much the same purpose as I Teach Religiousness Not Religion does in English, ie explaining thoroughly how and why his teaching differs from traditional organized religion. The Hindi version appears not to be a translation, though small parts may be".

In light of the pub info of the 1989 edition supplied by Shailendra, who was one of the translators, the characterization above appears to be fairly misguided, so it has been removed.

The TOC above was derived from a later edition. It has not been checked for its compliance with the 1989 TOC.

Shailendra also reports that this was one of the last compilations done for a good while, as Osho asked in late 1989 that they be discontinued. (See Category talk:Compilations.) -- doofus-9 08:03, 17 July 2017 (UTC)