Theologia Mystica ~ 13

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event type discourse
date & time 23 Aug 1980 am
location Buddha Hall, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 29min. Quality: good.
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shorttitle THEOLO13
Reader of the sutra: Sw Ananda Teertha.
The sutra
Going yet higher, we say that he is neither a soul, nor a mind, he is neither a soul nor a mind nor an object of knowledge; neither has he opinion, nor reason, nor intellect; neither is he reason, nor thought, nor is he uttrable or knowable; neither is he number, order, greatness, littleness, equality, inequality, likeness or unlikeness; neither does he stand nor move, nor is he quiescent; neither has he power, nor is power, nor light; neither does he live, nor is life; neither is he being, nor eternity, nor time, nor is his touch knowable; neither is he knowledge, nor truth, nor kingship, nor wisdom, nor one, nor one-ness, nor goodness; neither is he spirit, as we can understand it, nor sonship, nor fatherhood, nor any other thing known to us, or to any other creature; neither is he of things which are not, nor of things which are; neither do the things which are understand him. As he is in himself, as he is in himself nor does he himself understand them as existing in themselves, neither is there utterance of him, nor name, nor knowledge; neither is he darkness, nor falsehood, nor truth; neither is there any entire affirmation or negation that may be made concerning him. But on the other hand we make affirmations and denials of those things which are less than him (and follow from him!) But of himself we neither affirm nor deny anything, since he who is beyond all attributes is perfect and alone the cause of all -- beyond all negation the height of that which is entirely free from all and beyond all.


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