CBS 60 Minutes USA - Bhagwan and his assistant Sheila have a parting of the ways (1985)

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still 00m 06s.
still 02m 09s: intro of 60mins Australia.
After Sheela left Rajneeshpuram (14 Sep 1985), Jeff McMullen (of 60 Minutes Australian branch) went to Germany to interview her (date unknown).
Then he went to Rajneeshpuram to interview Osho (14 Oct 1985 pm, The Last Testament (Vol 3) ~ 24). There, he shows two clips of Sheela’s interview on a TV-set, asking Osho’s response.
This TV program, hosted by Ed Bradley, is the re-made US version of CBS 60 Minutes Australia - The Empress Strikes Back (1985). It has some extra footage of American reporters, earlier in Rajneeshpuram, but it is overall shorter. Of the interview with Osho it shows just clips, the whole interview with him is in fact 2 hours.

Info about this video:
YouTube code: _oVOlmmI8Rs
YouTube title: BHAGWAN SHREE RAJNEESH & HIS ASSISTANT SHEILA HAVE A PARTING OF THE WAYS! 1985 90. (This may not be the original historical title **.)
YouTube information:
Nico Fameliaris
Watch it.Very Funny No regrets,This man is sharp and quickwitted. I know woman very well.
Published on Nov 18, 2016
Information in the video:
Duration: 10:55
1985, probably Sunday, Oct 31, see Rajneeshpuram news summary 1981-1986 (source document) at that date.



see also

OshoFilmArchive catalog no : OFA00,060
CBS 60 Minutes Australia - The Empress Strikes Back (1985) - the original Australian version
