Sw Anand Vikrant

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(Alejandro Sentis)

Vikrant took sannyas in 1988 and is a counselor and psychotherapist, having trained at Northern Illinois University in the States and Osho Multiversity in Pune. He is a member of the Association for Humanistic Psychology and various other psychotherapy organizations. He is the author of 6 books and numerous articles on the awakening of consciousness and personal development. Vikrant has taught in various psychology programs including at Northern Illinois, was a research consultant on Active Meditations in Sydney, and has trained therapists and facilitators in humanistic-transpersonal psychology for more than 20 years. He is the founder of the Experiential Center for Human Development (Centro Experiencial) in Santiago.

Vikrant dedicated 10 years to a research project documenting how Osho influenced contemporary psychotherapy and psychology. In over three hours of interview on LoveOsho spanning four episodes, links below, he tells the story of how the leaders of the Human Potential movement learned from Osho and developed innovative therapy groups under his guidance. It is a thorough account of how most of the modern therapies practiced today derive from the daring and pioneering work of Human Potential therapists deeply touched by Osho.

Contact Details

Leonardo da Vinci 6830,
La Reina, Región Metropolitana
Santiago, Chile
Vikrant and his associates in Chile
see also
the first episode of his account of Osho's impact on modern psychology, mainly on Pune One, the longest episode
the second episode, mainly on the Ranch and World Tour
the third episode, mainly on Pune Two
the fourth episode, mainly on Pune Three