BR - Die Bhagwan-Kommune in Margarethenried (2019)

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Die Bhagwan-Kommune in Margarethenried

A documentary from German public broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk, in the regional TV series "Schwaben & Altbayern". This documentary was broadcasted again on Jan 19, 2022, 17:45 as a part of that series under the title „Bhagwan in der Hallertau-10 Sommer in Orange“ (25:58 to 35:09 of this broadcast).

The moderation is different to the first broadcast. Bavaria is thought to be a conservative state of Germany. Interestingly the moderator states in the beginning of the video that in the 1970s Bavaria became a little bit „orange“.
This regional bavarian TV magazine report (Schwaben & Altbayern) is interviewing neighbours and sannyasins about the sannyas commune in Magarethenried, Bavaria, South-East Germany. How is their memory now almost 50 years later? The report has some nice historical footage (another german TV documentary of the WDR from the 1970s) about this commune.

From the BR Mediathek:

"Im winzigen Margarethenried in der Hallertau lebten in den 70er Jahren Bhagwan-Anhänger ihre Vision von innerer Erfüllung und freier Liebe. Wie haben die Dorfbewohner damals darauf reagiert und was ist aus den ehemaligen Anhängern geworden?"
("In the 1970s, Bhagwan followers lived their vision of inner fulfillment and free love in tiny Margarethenried in the Hallertau. How did the villagers react back then and what became of the former followers?")
Bayrischer Rundfunk Jan 19, 2019 and Jan 9, 2022 (YouTube:, availability in the br-mediathek: until Jan 8. 2023, 20:31
9 min


Michael Hobmaier (Bürgermeister, self)
Shanti Eggendorfer (self)
Brigitte Veiz (Psychologin, self)
Vitus Voit (self)

produced an directed by
Birgit Meißner
Markus Geißl
Monika Lutz
© All fotos, stills etc.: Bayrischer Rundfunk 2019, 2022

see also

OshoFilmArchive catalog no : OFA00,058
Rajneesh Purvodaya Ashram, Margarethenried
Poona in Deutschland (1981) a 90min documentary about the same commune on German TV




Publisher: Bayerischer Rundfunk, 625K subscribers
Published: Jan 22, 2020. 21,569 views (on 2022-05-31)

still gallery

  • still 00m 06s Village sign of Margarethenried.

    still 00m 06s
    Village sign of Margarethenried.

  • still 00m 31s. Major of Margarethenried remembers

    still 00m 31s.
    Major of Margarethenried remembers

  • still 01m 19s. Hobmaier shows air overview

    still 01m 19s.
    Hobmaier shows air overview

  • still 01m 56s. WDR report from the 1970s shows „morning meditation“

    still 01m 56s.
    WDR report from the 1970s shows „morning meditation“

  • still 02m 52s. WDR report interviews of a commune manager

    still 02m 52s.
    WDR report interviews of a commune manager

  • still 03m 26s. WDR report shows the commune’s patio

    still 03m 26s.
    WDR report shows the commune’s patio

  • still 04m 23s. WDR report shows commune’s price list of therapies etc.

    still 04m 23s.
    WDR report shows commune’s price list of therapies etc.

  • still 04m 54s. Therapist Brigitte Veiz, München, comments on „Sannyas movement“

    still 04m 54s.
    Therapist Brigitte Veiz, München, comments on „Sannyas movement“

  • still 05m 38s. WDR report shows interviews with neighbours

    still 05m 38s.
    WDR report shows interviews with neighbours

  • still 05m 58s. WDR report shows part of the "morning meditation"

    still 05m 58s.
    WDR report shows part of the "morning meditation"

  • still 06m 18s. Ex-Sannyasin Shanti Eggendorfer remembers

    still 06m 18s.
    Ex-Sannyasin Shanti Eggendorfer remembers

  • still 06m 46s. Creator’s name of the WDR report

    still 06m 46s.
    Creator’s name of the WDR report

  • still 06m 59s. WDR report shows interview with a commune resident

    still 06m 59s.
    WDR report shows interview with a commune resident

  • still 07m 10s. WDR report shows interview of a 16 years old neighbour boy Vitus Voit

    still 07m 10s.
    WDR report shows interview of a 16 years old neighbour boy Vitus Voit

  • still 07m 33s. Major Hobmaier invites neighbours and Voit to share

    still 07m 33s.
    Major Hobmaier invites neighbours and Voit to share

  • still 08m 30s. End of credits

    still 08m 30s.
    End of credits