Talk:Testimonial letter from Devshankar K Thakar

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Revision as of 00:14, 16 August 2023 by Sarlo (talk | contribs) (re his name)
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About the name, "Devshankar K Thakar" ... He has clearly typed at the end, "Mr. Dershankar", and that's all. There are a few issues raised by this. Two of them arise in Dershankar-vs-Devshanker. Here we have a clear typing opposed to fairly clear handwriting. "Clear" here refers to legibility, not clarity of concept.

Doesn't this guy know how to spell his own name? Well, English and its alphabet are foreign to him, so we are supposing maybe not. So let's consider: first, the difference between "r" and "v" is much more significant than that between "e" and "a". Regarding "r"-vs-"v", common usage says "Dev" is a common syllable in male names, whereas "Der" is not. And in general the signature is going to be a more reliable indicator than something typed. So we can suppose that the "r" is a typo. Regarding "a"-vs-"e", this is a very common uncertainty in the transliteration of names, eg "Sundar"-vs-"Sunder", where the last vowel is barely pronounced at all, so either might happen, and here the sig matters less than it might in the case of a more significant difference.

And evidently, he started to type his whole name but saw he was running out of space, so he could not complete "Mr. Dershankar ...", ie this is not his surname but what to do? So he hand-printed "D. K. Thakar" in front of "Mr. Dershankar" .... At least we got to see his whole surname, since the other version in the sig is cut off by the uncentered photocopy. Nuff? -- doofus-9 00:14, 16 August 2023 (UTC)