Sw Alok Abhije

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(Vittal Koppal)

My book 'Think Globally, Act Locally' ISBN: 978-0-9822586-3-7, is based on the ancient humanitarian wisdom of world over. My English Book, successfully projects the vision that we the people of world, must awaken to the universal self-wisdom, in order to remove, all our inter-opposing made to believe, intellectual and emotional limitations of our socially, religiously, politically, academically and economically self-induced, individualized, personified, localized National identities, or our political identifications. Only, humanitarian spiritual wisdom which also is universal in its very nature, will eventually transform our present socially, economically, geographically, politically and religiously divided and scattered world, into a beautifully unified 'One Global World'.

One or the other day, we the people of the world, certainly, are going to transform this religiously, economically, and politically divided world into a beautiful One Unified Global World. Yes that will be our new 'One Worldwide Nation'. Beyond our present old outdated and unfulfilled, divided world, there awaits for us all the entire humankind, a totally multidimensional, better globally unified world- which has endless possibilities for our further development, growth, evolution, prosperity and abundance. It is enriched with the brilliant subjective-omnipresence light of our universal consciousness.

Please remember our 'Global Citizenship' is not a replacement of our present localized National Citizenship, but rather it is our further development, extension, growth and expansion of, all of us, as the Global Citizens in order to live together with love and care towards one another by supporting one another towards total global peace and happiness, towards our better one world, towards much beautiful and meaningful Life. Yes, our Global Citizenship, is our new responsibility in this interdependent world to work together across our self-made national boundaries in order to secure our common life and dreams. You can get my book 'Think Globally, Act Locally' ISBN: 978-0-9822586-3-7, is now available in this wiki as PDF eBook here Think Globally Act Locally (eBook pdf). Moreover, you can also get a printed copy by ordering online at Think Globally Act Locally ISBN 9780982258637(Printed Book).

'In Search Of The Truth', is also a English eBook, this is one short English story of a young person named Vittal, who set his mind on an amazing inwardly journey in search of the wonderful truth. This is his story of Vittal approaching an enlightened spiritual master Osho, for further spiritual guidance. This small book got into its present shape specially for my beloved readers and friends online, download it here : In Search Of The Truth (English pdf). 'Arive Guru' is a eBook written in Kannada Arive Guru means Consciousness itself id the Master of the Truth, download this eBook here : Arive Guru (Kannada pdf)

Please download all my eBooks, enjoy reading and sharing. Accordingly, post your inspiring feedback on this page to help me make further improvements in order to write far better books...! Internet provides us great opportunities to make friends world over! In addition, 'Sannyas Wiki' is the best amongst such websites! I invite friendship from world over! Know that we are on this planet-site to meet and know new people of world over! Knowing people world over helps us to know different cultures; in addition it is like knowing the world with all its endless colors. At present, I Vittal Koppal, (Sw Alok Abhijeet) age 55, located at Hubli-Dharwad and available to talk on my book and wonderful life. I am just a call away, if you happen to be in/around, Hubli-Dharwad area, feel free to call me on my mobile no. +918971503227.

Contact Details
Postal address
Vittal Koppal
MIG Layout, Navanagar
Post: Hubli
Dist: Dharwad
Karnataka State
Phone: +91 (0)
Mobile: 08971-503-227
see also
Arive Guru (Kannada pdf)
In Search Of The Truth (English pdf)
Think Globally Act Locally (English pdf)
Think Globally Act Locally ISBN 9780982258637 (Printed Book)
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