Talk:Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansar (नानक दुखिया सब संसार)

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Revision as of 08:49, 12 December 2018 by Sugit (talk | contribs)
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Audio for this series was not found widely offered, unlike most series where there may be fifty or more bit-torrent sites offering free downloads. Tao Vision alone claimed to offer eight discourses. The two audiobook sources were the usual, Osho World and, but are incomplete:

Osho World PDF OW's free MP3 MP3 TOC of Shailendra's PDF
1. जीवन एक पूजा (*1)
2. जीवन की कला
5. अंतर की खोज
6. विचार और अंतर-बोध
7. नानक दुखिया सब संसार    
#1. (*1)
#2 is Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Or #12 (*2)
#8 is Sambodhi Ke Kshan #05
1: जीवन एक पूजा 68min
2: जीवन की कला 64min
3: Talks 3 & 4   61min
5: अंतर की खोज 35min
6: विचार और अंतर-बोध 70min (*3)
7: Audio Not Available
1. जीवन एक पूजा
2. जीवन की कला
3. अकेले होने का साहस
4. सामूहिक जीवन
5. अंतर की खोज
6. विचार और अंतर-बोध
7. नानक दुखिया सब संसार
(*1) = The book-text is longer than the audio, audio has about 82% of the text. Two possibilities: 1) the audio is incomplete, or 2) the audio is complete, but in the text, text has been added from another discourse - we have not been able to find that text though.
(*2) = Audio of Sambhog Se Samadhi Ki Or #12, found on is actually the audio of Chapter #14 of the same
(*3) = Audio incomplete

Updated info on OW's audios in the table above, there are stated matchings with book chapter. Two OW-audios are not from this series.

So, 7th talk is missing on both and OW.

Book texts or chapter titles have been compared with audio-recordings to ascertain correspondence. --Sugit 12:35, 10 December 2018 (UTC)