1989-05-19 General Meeting Buddha Hall (film)

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still 00m 06s.
still 02m 09s: intro of 60mins Australia.

This page is under construction --Sugit (talk) 11:44, 30 January 2020 (UTC)

A recording of a general meeting in the commune on May 19, 1989. Paraphrasing, except between quotation marks:
(03:58) First Sw Prem Amrito about Osho's health and his guidance for the participants of the Buddhafield.
(08:35) Ma Deva Anando reports Osho talking about the expansion of his work and "a spiritual Club Med", with a Olympic size swimming pool, tennis courts, a dojen, a house for creative arts. Just this morning he said:
"Just this morning he said:
"We are expanding. We are not just a religious center, religiousness will be our very atmosphere, but we are now going to make a greater expansion. We will have a complete colony, built with aesthetic sense, surrounded with big trees and gardens, with pools of water with swans and other birds, and simple and aesthetic buildings"
which actually he's designed, the buildings, they are black pyramids. So all the buildings in the new ashram now will be black pyramids. (giggling) With blue glass windows, really dramatic. And at the end this morning he said, it's very beautiful:
We are going to create this as the garden of the beloved one. With every kind of dimension.
And then he said
That will be the name, the garden of the beloved one."
(12:58) Amrito about how do we all fit in to this vision, how does it relate to us: it is not going to be a commune.
(14:34) Anando quotes Osho:
"The ashram is not an institution.
Because I talked in the sense of taking care of people, how it's always been in the past, with the commune but he said:
It's not an institution. It is a meeting place for friends. It is nobody's monopoly. We are all creating it. It is our common project. And in every possible way, everyone should contribute to it. We are the ashram, and it can function only if we all help it. The ashram does not want to be begging for money from outside. So we should all be supporting the ashram, rather than asking the ashram to support us. "
(15:21) Amrito jokes about it not being a spiritual pension scheme
(17:00) Ma Yoga Neelam, from speaking to Osho, says sannyasins should not be economically dependent on the ashram.
"Economic dependence takes out some dignity and grace from them. Then he said that in the commune in Rajneeshpuram we gave all our possessions and money to the commune, but it was very sad to see it, because there were fear and insecurity in the eyes of the sannyasins. And it made him sad to see that. And that came out of economic dependence on the commune. And somehow sannyasins lost their dignity and grace. And that comes when we are not dependent on anybody, and we are working out of our joy, out of our abundance, out of our love for Osho, and that would have a very different quality that he would love to have it here in this Ashram. Not a fear and insecurity that we are working because we would like to have food and the rent to be paid. No, he would like to us, when we work here, out of our abundance and joy and out of our love for him.
And he would like that people come and go. They stay here as long as their visas and finance allow them. And one thing more, beautiful, he also said, that when people arrive after a gap of time, they are full of joy, they are full of receptive and celebrative energy, and it's very beautiful to see them here. There is no chance of taking him as granted. Which usually happens when there is a long time and we know that we are going to live here for ever. And when we are leaving, then we all know from our own experience, that when we know that a few weeks are left that our intensity and totality comes to the peak and we start drinking him at the optimum. And he has said it as always that when our finance and our visas are not allowing us to stay, it will be better to go, because it helps us financially to the ashram also and it helps more people bringing in to the ashram too. Because when we go back to our country we meet so many people; our joy, our feeling when we have gone from here, it affects other people, and it helps them to come here."
(20:03) Amrito talks about "the implementation of what we are talking about": from now on, everyone pays for his or her own food passes, workers or non-workers.
(24:10) Recent, 2019 footage of the -now realized- OSHO International Meditation Resort, with the pyramids.

Info about this video:
YouTube code: V60LZqHW63A
YouTube title: OSHO: General Meeting Buddha Hall 19. May 1989
YouTube information:
Views: 53,277
Published: Apr 23, 2019
OSHO International
627K subscribers
General Meeting Buddha Hall 19th May 1989:
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Information in the video:
Duration: 27:30
OSHO International Foundation presents
Osho - General Meeting 19 May 1989 - Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune, India
On Monday, 10 April 1989 Osho speaks for the last time in public to the assembly of his sannyasins and friends. The Zen Manifesto No. 11
(The last part of that discourse/meditation is shown, then the text in the video continues:)
On 19 May 1989 Amrito, Osho's personal physician, Anando, Osho's secretary and Neelam, Osho's secretary for India, share in a General Meeting in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium the latest news about Osho's health and his plans for the expansion of his work.
2015, Oct 6.


OSHO talks - silence shared in words
OSHO International Foundation presents
Osho - General Meeting 19 May 1989 - Gautam the Buddha Auditorium, Pune, India
Copyright © 2019,
OSHO International Foundation
Excerpt from the series The Zen Manifesto: Freedom from Oneself #11
Copyright © 1989, 2019 OSHO International Foundation
OSHO is a registered trademark of OSHO International Foundation
Featuring Music from The World of OSHO(TM)
OSHO Institute for Music and Celebration
Copyright OSHO International Foundation

see also

OshoFilmArchive catalog no : OFA00,063
Osho Timeline 1989
