Talk:Taaran Darshan Smarika 1974 (तारण दर्शन स्मारिका 1974)

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I was puzzled looking at the "overview" page, wondering what to make of it, especially the two lines of quoted material at the top, apparently titled Adhyatmata Ki Or. This word Ahyatmata was stumping me (and G**gle Translate). We both wanted to make it just Adhyatma, "Spirituality". Adhyatmata was not only not recognised, it looked downright silly, sort of like, "Spiritualityness". And i couldn't find a relevant title by anyone even called Adhyatma Ki Or. Are these Osho's words? Etc etc.

So i asked Shailendra to shed some light on it and he delivered the goods:

The two lines of poetry at the bottom of page 111 and the two lines on the top of page 112 are quoted from a book "Adhyatmata Ki Or" -- by Sant Taaran Taran.
He spoke and wrote in a dialect of Hindi, Bundelkhandi, in which many words are pronounced and written a little differently. There are a dozen dialects in Hindi, quite different from each other. Adhyatmata can be understood as Adhyatma, and his book Towards Spirituality.
This dialect is still very much prevalent in many parts of MP and UP provinces of India; including the places where Osho belonged to -- Kuchwara, Gadarwara, Jabalpur, Sagar. There most people speak Bundelkhandi with their families and friends, but try to use proper Hindi while talking with outsiders or writing official matters.
A Funny Note -- Rarely Osho also used Bundelkhandi words in his Hindi discourses, which are not understood by people in Mumbai, Poona, or other Hindi-speaking areas, and even G**gle Translate can not manage..!

-- doofus-9 08:14, 7 June 2017 (UTC)