Tantric Love

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Sometimes it can be difficult for even the closest of partners to fully express their love during sex. We may resist deeper intimacy for many reasons, among them pain, insecurity, or simply a fear of sharing our most natural desire for physical love with another person. Tantra can help you dissolve these barriers to intimacy, and invites you to awaken the physical and spiritual energy that can bring partners together as loving soul mates. "Tantric Love" unlocks the secret powers of meditation, breathing, massage, and more to help you celebrate and revitalize your love life. Each chapter focuses on one of the chakras -- or energy centers -- in the body and offers simple exercises that will help you share this energy and open the door to ecstasy.
Ma Ananda Sarita and Sw Anand Geho


Tantric Love

A Nine Step Guide to Transforming Lovers into Soul Mates

Year of publication : 2001
Publisher : Fireside
ISBN 0743215311 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 144
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :