Testimonial letter from Shusha Guppy

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This letter is one of a remarkable series of over 2650 letters amassed in 1983 to support Osho's attempt to get permanent resident status in the US at the time of the Oregon ranch. The image is reproduced here with the kind permission of The Oregon Historical Society. Information about their collection of these letters and other supporting material -- the "Jeffrey Noles Rajneesh Collection", named for Osho's immigration lawyer Jeffrey Noles, who compiled them in 1983 and donated them to the OHS -- can be found at this page. The wiki is grateful to the OHS for making access available for these documents. For more information and links to all the letters, see Testimonial letters.

This letter is from Shusha Guppy. It is "Exhibit A-2156" in the Noles collection.

The text version below has been created by optical character recognition (OCR), from the images supplied by OHS. It has not been checked for errors but this process usually results in over 99% correct transcription. Most apparent "errors" are correct transcriptions of typos already in the original. The image on the right in the text box links to a pdf file of the original letter, it has one page.

8, Shawfield Street
London, sw3 4bd
Tel : 01-352-8038


I am a writer, a singer and songwriter of good reputation in Britain and Europe and have just done a tour of America with a collection of songs by English-speaking poets. I am also a professional writer contributing essays and features to some of our best publications.

As a student of Oriental philosophy and mysticism, I came across Bhagwan’s books, read them and found them most interesting in their synthesis of various doctrines and their application and relevance to present day conditions. I have known many people who have been greatly helped by the books and the personal example of Bhagwan.

Bhagwan is a thinker and philosopher who has tried bringing ancient wisdom to Western modern men and women who would have otherwise had no access to it, or found any practical application in their own lives for it. United States give shelter and asylum to many thousands of people every year. Men like Bhagwan can contribute more than most, by bringing enlightenment and a solution to many present day problems. In a world threatened by totalitarianism and despair, Bhagwan is one of those who can offer a practical remedy to at least a few.

Shusha Guppy.

(Please note: We assume that the above letter is still copyrighted, but we regard its historical interest to constitute a Fair Use exception for publication in this wiki.)