Testimonial letter from Stella Andrassy

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This letter is one of a remarkable series of over 2650 letters amassed in 1983 to support Osho's attempt to get permanent resident status in the US at the time of the Oregon ranch. The image is reproduced here with the kind permission of The Oregon Historical Society. Information about their collection of these letters and other supporting material -- the "Jeffrey Noles Rajneesh Collection", named for Osho's immigration lawyer Jeffrey Noles, who compiled them in 1983 and donated them to the OHS -- can be found at this page. The wiki is grateful to the OHS for making access available for these documents. For more information and links to all the letters, see Testimonial letters.

This letter is from Stella Andrassy. It is "Exhibit A-583" in the Noles collection.

The text version below has been created by optical character recognition (OCR), from the images supplied by OHS. It has not been checked for errors but this process usually results in over 99% correct transcription. Most apparent "errors" are correct transcriptions of typos already in the original. The image on the right in the text box links to a pdf file of the original letter, it has 6 pages.

July 12, 1983
(609) 924-2320


Re: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

As somebody who has spent a life-time studying philosphy and psychology in Europe and the Near East, and who has dedicated her life to help the poor and uprooted in the world, I became very impressed by the teachings of the Bagwhan Shree Rajneesh when I first became acquainted with them.

Baghwan Shree Rajneesh is a man who has succeeded in explaining the ancient wisdoms of the great Greek philosophers, the Christian Mystics, Hindu Yogies and Chinese Sages in a refreshing, modern language that is easy to understand.

The importance of the Bhagwan’s teachings is that it appeals so much to modern youths, these unfortunates, drifting between dope and drinks, scared to death from fear of an atomic war. -It is, indeed, heartening to realize that so many of these youngsters have found - and will find - inner peace and a secure haven at Antelope, Oregon.

I can honestly certify that I dont know of any now living person who has brought so much new life to ancient wisdom as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. In these troubles times America needs such a man.

Stella Andrassy
Research Director, Solar-Electric Lab.
President, Princeton Int. Solar Institute
Stella Andrassy is an author and educator. She has written several books and news-paper articles. She is an inventor holding 9 patents on solar energy and related subjects.

Above is a typed version of what Ms Andrassy wrote to the INS. Apparently her original one was hand-written. This is partly explained in the next page, also typed, which summarizes the contents of the following four pages of a hand-written letter to someone named Toby, who may or may not have been Sw Santosh Toby. That letter begins, "Dear Toby, Here is a copy of the letter I wrote on the Bhagwan's behalf". Below is a transcript of the explanatory page. The hand-written portion has not been transcribed.

Synopsis of a personal letter from the Countess Stella Andrassy:
Stella says:
"The more I think of it, the more I begin to see that my whole life has been a preparation for being able to understand the message of the Master."

She goes on to tell about the people she knew and had met as she was growing up in Sweden: Annie .-Besant, J. Krishnamurti, scientist Sven Hedin, Her father wrote books about Soren Kierkegaard and Goethe. Her mother was a concert pianist.

Later in her life, she had "private talks" with Pope Pius XII and Paul V, Rabindranath Tagore, Richard Strauss (composer), Professor Wilhelm, the man who translated the I Ching from the original Chinese into German.

She goes on:
"It would be all too long to describe all that which destined me to understand the Bhagwan’s books. I have read-reread and continue to read them every day. During this very difficult winter, it helped me to take the hardships as they came and to work myself out of trouble."

Stella is 83 years old and can no longer walk. Her husband, Imre, 99, has been ill and she talks about her concern about Bhagwan. "We can’t let him leave us. He is so needed."

(Please note: We assume that the above letter is still copyrighted, but we regard its historical interest to constitute a Fair Use exception for publication in this wiki.)