Talk:Letter written on 1 Mar 1961 am

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As mentioned in the article page, the date is not known. A date actually is written on the letter below Osho's signature, but there are problems:

First, the date appears to be Feb 29 1961, and 1961 is not a Leap Year, so there should not be a Feb 29 that year. Looking closer at it, we see that the "9" may be a correction, or may be corrected to something else, but correction from what or to what is not clear. Plus there is what appears to be a time of day added above it, but what it says is not recognizable as a known "time of day".

Then there is the question of what letter it might be a PS to. Jan 5, the nearest previous letter, is a long way off. There are three plausible possibilities:

First, as letters have seemed to be coming basically in chronological order relative to their file numbers, and there is a missing file number between this one (798) and the previous (796, Jan 5), that missing file number may be it.

Second, that letter may show up eventually, "out of order" relative to file number, because that apparent chronological order may turn out to not hold absolutely. At this point it may be premature to declare that pattern absolute, tempting though it may be.

The third possibility is the most intriguing and may have merit, and that is its relationship with the "next" letter in file number order, already hinted at. That letter is dated midnight Feb 28.

We have seen a few things already with two other letters on the same date, Letter written on 15 Dec 1960 om and Letter written on 15 Dec 1960 pm: one is that their file numbers are interchanged, ie they are not precisely in chronological order; two is that they are the only case so far of any time of day being written; and three is that the second is explicitly a PS of the first.

The similarities between the situation on Dec 15 and this situation suggest that this letter, dated sometime in late Feb, and 799, dated midnight Feb 28, are in fact related in a similar way. This impression is augmented by the pale blue scribbles on each, which are similar enough to also suggest a relationship. And this similarity is not "accidental", as it would be if one were an ink-transfer of another say, such as might be caused by two sheets pressed together for years. These scribbles are not precisely the same, just different enough to be handwritten variations of the same thing.

A proper transcription and translation of both would also settle any question of relationship, so we await developments. -- doofus-9 09:05, 10 November 2019 (UTC)