Talk:Asambhav Kranti (असंभव क्रांति)

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Revision as of 18:47, 9 November 2014 by Sarlo (talk | contribs) (Dates confirmed)
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Couple of small things: The OMI edition is also attributed to Rebel, and its ISBN 9788172612665 is not supported by ISBN finders except (Does that count?) And fwiw G**gle Books reports a 1989 edition but without any details.

There are two versions of TOC extant. Below is the audiobook version, supplied by both Osho World and The OW e-book version differs from it in two respects: titles of ch 3 and 6 are interchanged and ch 2 has a completely different title, आत्मा के कूल.

विषय सूची (TOC):
1: सत्य का द्वार
2: पुराने का विसर्जन, नये का जन्म
3: मौन का स्वर
4: ध्यान की आंख
5: क्रांति का क्षण
6: जीवन का आविर्भाव
7: सत्य का संगीत
8: सृजन का सूत्र
9: काम का रूपांतरण
10: बस एक कदम

The original source for dates and location of the discourses for this book was Doc X, not always reliable, but its data have been confirmed by the OW e-book, which explicitly states time and "Sadhana-Shivir Matheran" at the end of each chapter. First discourse is at night on Oct 18, 1967, thereafter there are three talks per day, given in the morning, afternoon/midday and night. -- updated doofus-9 (talk) 10:47, 9 November 2014 (PST)