Talk:Rajneesh Dhyan Yog (रजनीश ध्यान योग)

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There is no info on the net about this book, except the predecessor page of this, which contained the few facts noted. At 190 pages, it is considerably shorter than Osho Dhyan Yog's 272 but that difference may just reflect material added, smaller print, etc. We await further information. -- Sarlo (talk) 23:19, 9 June 2014 (PDT)

Further information re the above has arrived, from Osho's brother Shailendra, who has shared some fragments of its history:

The first edition of Rajneesh Dhyan Yog was a compilation published around 1974. In Pune One, it got divided into two separate pocket books, spinning off Rajneesh Dhyan Darshan as a new-title "companion". The division was thematic, with Yog being about meditation techniques and including letters to meditators, giving practical guidance about the issues that arise in connection with meditation. Darshan was oriented more towards the philosophy, science and mechanism of meditation and how it works; its material derived solely from Osho's discourses. The latter title is not to be confused with Dhyan Darshan (ध्‍यान दर्शन) (without "Rajneesh"), which is a series from a camp in Mumbai from 21.12.70 to 25.12.70 featuring five days of talks and meditation.

Most of Yog got translated & became part of The Orange Book, published in 1980, the same year as our one supposed edition of Yog. Orange later became a part of Meditation: The First and Last Freedom, both of these books gathering new material from talks that had not been available earlier. And First and Last Freedom got re-translated as Dhyan Yog: Pratham aur Antim Mukti (ध्यान योग: प्रथम और अंतिम मुक्त्ति).

A lot of material in the original Yog and Orange Book was not used in First and Last Freedom. Shailendra says this omitted material got compiled under another new title Dhyan Vigyan, or "Science of Meditation". No other mention of this last volume has ever been found, but since the unused material has been attested to, it is a reasonable presumption that one way or another, it ended up in Osho Dhyan Yog.

And about Rajanisa Dhyana Yoga, it is more or less impossible to imagine that the Rajneesh Foundation would entertain such a distortion of Osho's original name. But it is easy to understand how this title came to seem to have a real existence. "Rajanisa" has appeared on other occasions, always based on inferior transliterations. And alternative transliterations like Dhyana/Dhyan and Yoga/Yog are very common, so these have arisen at the same time. Likely a bookseller has done all this and posted the near-mis-info on the net and it got harvested and taken at face value. But it can be retired now. -- doofus-9 07:35, 29 December 2017 (UTC)