The Last Testament (Vol 3) ~ 14

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event type interview
date & time 4 Oct 1985 pm
location Sanai Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 58min. Quality: good.
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 0min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST314
Interview. Announcements by Sw Dhyan John : Oliver Gravit from Twenty-four Heures, Swizerland; Ma Viren from Playman Magazine in Italy.
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview with Oliver Grivat, Twenty-Four Heures (TV), Lusanne, Switzerland (quetions 1-9); and Ma Viren, Playman Magazine, Italy (q.10-20).
Question 1 : Oliver Grivat, Twenty-Four Houres, Lusanne, Switzerland
I have about a dozen questions to ask in one hour. My first question: With the Sheela affair and the FBI's action, is your paradise in real danger? Your movement, is it in decline?
Question 2
So for you it is not a sort of defeat for your movement?
Question 3
About the FBI's action -- this morning you told about some manifestation at U.S. Embassies. Will you really use this threat against the U.S. Embassies in the world, or not?
Question 4
Sheela says you are only thirty-five thousand....
Question 5
Are you not a sort of state in a state?
Question 6
Could you imagine that you must perhaps leave Oregon? And where would you go?
Question 7
A big part of your money is in our bank in Switzerland, some forty-three million dollars. Will you open an action in my country against the bank, or against the person who took the money?
Question 8
I have a question about the subject. You profess a capitalism sort of... But your sannyasins live not as capitalist people, but as sort of communist people, no?
Question 9
But the society that has no children is a society that dies.
Question 10 : Ma Viren, Playman Magazine, Italy
Playman magazine is a kind of playboy but pretending to be for more intellectual people. The interview will come up in November, so if you agree I will move from this crime story to a love story.
Question 11
You said you are all for heterosexuality. Can you describe the different qualities of a mature man and of a mature woman?
Question 12
So there is no chance after eighteen? I mean, if somebody doesn't have this experience when he is eighteen, then it is lost forever?
Question 13
Now there is a joke going around in Europe: "Bhagwan, how far are we from America? Bhagwan, how far are we from America?" "Be patient and swim."
Question 14
So what about the qualities of a mature man and of a mature woman?
Question 15
Edited excerpt: 18min 29sec, question 15 **
Just a simple method of meditation to suggest to Latin lovers, so they may find their way?
Question 16
It is reported you know reincarnation as a truth. Is there a way to recognize a past-life lover?
Question 17
When you say -- this is the last one -- in this commune there are many geniuses, are you referring to past-life ones, too?
Question 18
You didn't want to answer this one. The question was: You said in this commune, Rajneeshpuram, there are many geniuses. So they were geniuses before, right?
Question 19
Can you recognize that say, Mozart is here, Leonardo da Vinci is here, back here is Einstein?
Question 20
Can you tell me a few names?


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