The Last Testament (Vol 3) ~ 07

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event type interview
date & time 28 Sep 1985 pm
location Sanai Grove, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 42min. Quality: good.
Live music after the interview.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 46min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST307
Interview. Announcements by unidentified man : Sw Videha from Piajeri magazine, and taking pictures (inaudible)
CD-ROM on this chapter: Interview by Sw Videha, Italy.
Question 1
Edited excerpt: 6min 38sec, beginning of question 1 **
So, we start from the idea of pleasure. Can enlightenment be the topmost pleasure, as a definition?
Question 2
You say that you know yourself. Now, imagine lying down on a couch and the Freudian analyst asks you the farthermost remembrance you have of yourself. Which one will it be?
Question 3
What about the farthest remembrance you have of yourself?
Question 4
Any remembrance?
Question 5
I feel that an Italian will always project in you a father figure. And also for Germans you will be always projected as a leader. And if I look at a French lady, she can see in you a beautiful man to lie down with. Why is it so difficult to accept you as a simple human being? And why is there all this projection happening.
Question 6
There is a rumor that you're going away from here. Do you have any projects for the future?
Question 7
In the present are you staying here?
Question 8
How long is this present?
Question 9
You live surrounded by many gadgets which a Western eyes don't consider spiritual things. And the question is, why do you need them?
Question 10
Like those people there? (indicating the group in front of Bhagwan)
Question 11
No. So there is an economic idea hidden behind the experiment you are doing here? Like people come, they invest everything in the commune, they work all the day; there is no money going around inside the commune and it's quite difficult for the people outside who are earning money themselves to understand this idea of economy. Can you explain it?
Question 12
You have in Italy three communes. Two of them have been closed, and other one is reduced now to twenty-six people. The reason was given by Sheela that Italy is a third-world country, economically. So it means Italy doesn't fit your vision of communes?
Question 13
You spoke a lot about the missionary position in making love, and also about French kissing, which are the only two things the Italian knows about making love. Since you don't like them, you can give some advice also in this direction to Italians.
Question 14
You talk out of experience of things?
Question 15
In these days there is a public opinion which is following you day after day with big headlines, new ones every day. And many are getting the idea that the story is built-up, everything that is happening. How much of this story is advertising?
Question 15b
Edited excerpt: 2min 09sec, a part of question 15b **
This is true!
Question 16
Do you think history will be divided into before and after Bhagwan?
Question 17
The Pope is worried about that, you know.
Question 18
There was a statement about AIDS which the Pope didn't like so much, when you said the Vatican should become an AIDS resort.
Question 19
This can make the headlines of the Vatican! When you sit in the chair you transcend any sexual definition. But when you dance with a female disciple, you are real macao (macho?)-looking. Why such a difference?
Question 20
Do you consider yourself a Latin lover?


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