The Inward Revolution

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Questioner: "But what is the difference between the conviction and the experience? And how can one transform this conviction into an experience?"
Bhagwan: "I say there is no 'how', because 'how' implies some method. There is an awakening; There is no 'how'. If you are listening to me and some feeling comes to you, then this might be the experience of Truth. (...)
Why should this happen to you? There are two reasons: either you are convinced by my argument or you see it as a fact in yourself. (...)
If what I am saying is experienced by you, that knowledge is something apart from me. I am not the knowledge. This is happening as an experience while I am talking. (...)
When the intellect is convinced, it asks 'how'. What is the method? It wants to know. But I am not giving you any argument. I am just telling you my experience.
"A series of twelve discourses by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, in which he is interviewed by various sannyasins and visitors from Norway, the U.S.A., France and Japan.
Later published as The Psychology of the Esoteric
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Jul 24, 1970 to Mar 12, 1972 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


The Inward Revolution

Year of publication : 1973
Publisher : A Life Awakening Movement Publication, Bombay, India
Number of pages : 294
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : First Edition: May, 1973, 3,000 copies. Copyright: Jeevan Jagriti Kendra, Bombay (India).
Publisher: Ishwarlal N. Shah (now Sadhu Iswar Samarpan), Secretary, Jeevan Jagriti Kendra (Life Awakening Centre), 31, Israil Mohalla, Bhagwan Bhuvan, Majid Bunder Road, Bombay-9
Compilation: Ma Yoga Taru, Ma Yoga Laxmi, Mahendra H. Thaker
Editing: Ma Ananda Prem, Sw Yoga Chinmaya
Cover design: Nath Vairal
Foreword: Ma Ananda Prem, A-1, Woodlands, Peddar Road, Bombay-26 (India), February 28, 1972
Afterword "About Bhagwan": Ma Ananda Prem
Contains a two page Errata at the end of the book.